726 results found
Selectively Flatten Watermarks
When adding a watermark to a .pdf file in Acrobat 10, such as "For Draft Review", it would be nice to prevent another Acrobat user from removing the watermark while retaining the ability to still have operable links, such as the Table of Contents or figure references.
1 vote -
Please make it possible to 1.) import a word doc with images that remain at 300 dpi 2.) check the dpi of images in a PDF
Just to expand the thought above. Many people are online searching for ways to do this. I was told in an Adobe chat that it was not possible. You all are brilliant -- can't you make it possible?
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Bug - Acrobat Pro X for Windows crashes and stops working every few weeks
Once every few weeks Acrobat Pro X, which I install as part of CS6 for Windows, crashes and stops working. It crashes when I try to open random files. After that it stops working and I need to reinstall it. It happened on two different computers, one running Windows 7 and one Windows 10.
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signature appearance
Since last update of Adobe Acrobat Std/Pro, our engineers are not able to sign drawings cause now a predifined rectangle appears which is way too large. People have to sign at the right side of the drawings (DIN A0) with a very small rectangle. You have now to place the new predefined rectangle where top left corner have to fit with top left corner of drawing field. Therefor, you have to zoom out the document to be able to place the rectangle. That way, it's hard to see if you sign the right field at the drawing. Signing hundreds of…
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help doesn't work
on this page https://acrobat.adobe.com/fr/fr/acrobat/pricing.html
the link "aide au choix" doesn't work https://www.adobe.com/fr/helpmechoose1 vote -
eliminate DC function from DC.
remove the DC function from acrobat DC so users cannot access cloud files. this is a grave security risk. the feature has to an option at installation time so a user cannot switch it on.
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Toolbar for Highlights Color
Please make a toolbar or something that allows for a one touch colour change for Highlighting.
Its is time consuming to have to go into properties and set as default everytime i decide to change highlight colour.
As a student I need to be able to have a variety of colours available for highlighting in order to have organized notetaking1 vote -
Please make it easier to change fonts and colours of text+highlights
On the Apple version of adobe: it is very tedious and takes time+ lots of clicking to change the colour of highlights. and its even HARDER to change the fonts, colours of text in the textbox option.
As a student who primarily notetakes on PDF its really a setbck when taking lecture notes for a high intensity lecture.
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Install error on Windows 10Home
Installation error, can you see the attached file
1 voteMarking this issue as resolved as there is no response from the user.
Ability to rotate image on screed
In earlier versions, you could rotate the image of the page Clockwise or Counterwise.
Please bring back this functionality in DC
thank yo.
1 vote -
cannot unsecure a protected pdf
- Open a protected document with the correct password.
- Try to unsecure the document in "Document Properties" -> "Security", choose "no security"
- A pop-up asking password shows up, Enter the same correct password as used to open the document.
- "The password is incorrect". Cannot unsecure the document.
OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
1 voteThe issue is resolved for the user
Application is ridiculously large
Why is Adobe Acrobat so stupidly, ridiculously large? It takes 6 GB on my Windows 7 PC dwarfing massively complex heavyweight apps like After Effects (2GB) Maya (400MB) and Cinema 4D (400MB). It looks like very sloppy programming.
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Enable theming
Let your users choose how their documents are presented.
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Save As Archive Copy is not working correctly
Using Share Review process and trying to release the review and save comments in "Save As Archive Copy". This feature is not working correctly.
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Support for list editing
Editing a bullet or number list should keep the structure of the list same
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Tabbed viewing
Opening multiple PDFs in the same Acrobat window in different tabs should be possible.
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Acrobat DC support in Internal Update Server (AUSST)
AUSST (Adobe Update Server Setup Tool) is a utility to help one set up her own update server to manage the deployment of Adobe products and product updates in enterprise. Need support for Acrobat DC in AUSST.
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1 vote
Retain the last LHP state across Acrobat launches
The Left Hand Panel state should be remembered from previous session.
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Support for date and image fields in Acrobat forms
Should be able to have fields for dates and images in a form
1 vote
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