Toolbar for Highlights Color
Please make a toolbar or something that allows for a one touch colour change for Highlighting.
Its is time consuming to have to go into properties and set as default everytime i decide to change highlight colour.
As a student I need to be able to have a variety of colours available for highlighting in order to have organized notetaking

Anonymous commented
In fact, I can't even get the highlight tool to show in the toolbar any more? When I open tools I don't see it there either?
Anonymous commented
I am sure I used to have a highlight colour pallet selector in the toolbar. Why has it been removed.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice if there was a help feature, like Windows products, where you could look at how this was done instead of just a bug report
Anonymous commented
Thank you
Bob White commented
What about Acrobat PRO... I spent a lot of money here and a lot of time learnig to use it; can we push it out to Adobe X Pro?
AdminPoorvi Singhal (Admin, Adobe) commented
We already have this functionality in Acrobat/Reader.
When you click the highlight tool, color picker gets added to the toolbar and enables color change with single click.