eliminate DC function from DC.
remove the DC function from acrobat DC so users cannot access cloud files. this is a grave security risk. the feature has to an option at installation time so a user cannot switch it on.

Gagan commented
If you want to install Acrobat without DC functions you can install Acrobat through Customization wizard.
Please refer the document shared at https://files.acrobat.com/a/preview/f6bd3610-d1ba-453d-bcba-cac17d4936f3 for detailed steps.
Gagan -
Anonymous commented
My point is not that there is a switch that can be flipped to disable the DC function. I already knew about it when I opened this record. My point is that the DC function should not even EXIST within the installation of the product. DC is a dangerous security threat to any organization that must maintain the confidentiality of its information. Any user could enable the DC function so the presence of a switch is not a solution. There must be a way to install the newest features of Acrobat WITHOUT the DC functions.
Gagan commented
Also you can follow the steps mentioned on Adobe forum thread https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1829808 to eliminate the DC functions.
Gagan -
Gagan commented
Do you want to remove 'Document Cloud' entry from storage or all Document Cloud Services like 'Sent', 'Send& Track' etc.?
Also can you please provide details of your Acrobat DC version.