Printing Bookmarks
Please create an option to print bookmarks either separately or together with the PDF.

Carl Alexander commented
Add another to my previous suggestion...
- In a previous version of Acrobat, one could highlight text on a page and press the key combination Ctrl-B to create a bookmark that captures the highlighted text as its name. Now, doing the same steps produce an "Untitled" bookmark; i.e., a default bookmark without the text capture (ignoring the highlight).
Please restore this capability. -
Grant commented
Is this still under review? A feature to print bookmarks is pretty important to those of us who use a lot of bookmarks within a large document/PDF to easily reach a particular citation that is bookmarked.
Anonymous commented
Could you also add the option of exporting bookmarks into excel?
Carl Alexander commented
Add to this change for bookmarks:
- If a native file (e.g., Word) has a table of contents, list of illustrations, list of tables, etc., these should become Adobe bookmarks in the conversion process. Their styles could be preserved on conversion.
- Set up automatic styling for bookmarks so that upper level bookmarks are formatted differently from lower levels. If a bookmark is demoted or promoted, its styling should be changed without manual inputs.
- The styles should be stored as part of the file they are used in and as separate files for use in other files.
- A mouseover pop-up long form title could describe the bookmarks' destination contents.
- A bookmark summary feature could create a graphical tree of the bookmarks. -
Anonymous commented
Yes. I have a PDF with a lot of bookmarks that is basically a table of contents for the PDF. I would like to print the bookmarks along with the PDF so I can use the bookmarks as a table of contents when I just have the paper version of the document.
Anne Coffelt commented
THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. You go to all the trouble to bookmark a document adding important comments and there is no way to access the bookmarks in a printed document or to use the bookmarks in a chronology without cutting and pasting each bookmark's text to a separate document.