Add Google Drive as option in Storage Accounts
My company uses Google Drive for file sharing as many other companies do. Google Drive is currently not listed as an option for connected cloud storage but needs to be.

We released an update to Acrobat DC today with support for Google Drive. Click Help → Check for updates to get the latest update.
Daniel Cregg commented
If you're experiencing issues with Google Storage not working properly, here are a few steps you can try to resolve the problem:
Fix Google Cloud not Working -
HL commented
Using 2018.011.20055 but don't see Google Drive? Any help? Also no option for Check the latest update.
Kyle P commented
That's great. Hopefully Adobe will soon add Google Drive to its default locations for the Adobe Acrobat mobile app so we don't have to click More Locations...
Kyle P commented
That's great. Hopefully Adobe will soon add Google Drive to the default locations in the Acrobat Reader mobile app so that we don't have to click More Locations...
Mohamed commented
The Adobe Acrobat Reader DC's desktop app (Windows) is all OK with all the cloud storage services I use (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox...) but the Android version is not. For example, with the Adobe Acrobat's Android app on my phone, I can only open files from foreign cloud services (that is platforms other than Document Cloud and Dropbox, i.e. Google Drive and MS OneDrive) but cannot make changes to PDF documents in these file destinations. And if I do, I have to save the changes only manually as "Save as...". This is really disappointing as I would love to be able to interchangeably read and make changes to all my files from both my computer and my phone. Please improve your support features for Google Drive and OneDrive on your Android app.
Anonymous commented
Any plans to allow this to access our Team Drives as well? It appears to only connect to "My Drive" not our org's Team Drives.
Connie Wheeler commented
I am not seeing it. We are using Adobe Acrobat DC, and I also am not seeing in option to Check for updates under Help
Tarek commented
Yes, I can see Google Drive Integration. However, I noticed, immediately after the update, when opening an Adobe LiveCycle Dynamic Form, with >10 pages, and using the Page Thumbnail Panel, and while tabbing through the fields, I notice the Thumbnail display will refresh/flicker. Also, the tabbing slower than it used to be. The flicker will happen probably when the Exit/Enter Field Events have some javascript. I think this will be very annoying effect due to the latest update. Please let me know if you want me to provide more details. I have prepared a ScreenToGif session if you like to see.
TJH commented
So Google Drive should be showing up in "Add Account" alongside Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.? I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, 2015 Release (Classic), Version 2015.006.30456 (installed by update today), and I don't see Google Drive.
Alex K commented
Thank you!!!
AdminAtul Puri (Admin, Adobe) commented
We released an update to Acrobat DC today with support for Google Drive. Click Help -> Check for updates to get the latest update.
Cheryl commented
Yes please add it. Our company is moving off of the server system and onto Google drive. I would like to be able to use the "Send for Shared Commenting" feature when we review our PDFs with team members is several offices.
Thanks Cheryl
John F Munro commented
Yes, do it
AP commented
need that feature - open pdf editor from Google drive , or any alternative solution if Adobe dont want to do it, fortune 500 - most of them use Google - that's the market share
Christian Antonsen commented
Having Google Drive added as an option for cloud storage would make my day! It's really needed.
GBP commented
this response is from spring 2017.
why is this not available now.
maybe same as google play books not working on ipad. -
Joshua McMahon commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I would also appreciate connectivity for Acrobat Pro to Google Drive.
Rafael Pichardo commented
I agree and echo everything that everyone else has said. Frankly, I'm looking for another provider that can do this. Get with it Adobe or keep losing customers.