digital signatures
Acrobat DC Pro hides the 'digital signature' field unless you follow a very convoluted series of steps to find it. Recommend ALWAYS having the digital signature option available. Also, recommend disambiguating between 'signature' 'initial' and 'digital signature' fields. Conceptually very similar. Functionally very different.

To use Digital Signature on Acrobat/Reader, if you have a signature field present on the pdf, you still can click on the document field and it would initiate the digital signature workflow. This functionality is still present in Acrobat DC. If you want to draw a signature on the pdf outside a signature box, please go to Tools—Certificates—Digitally Sign. That would enable you to draw a box on the pdf for the signature.
Anonymous commented
How to Approve digital signature in Acrobat Reader mobile version.
Kevin Richards commented
Someone sent me a scanned signature page and asked me to add my digital signature to it. This used to be very easy, just draw a block where you want to sign the document. Now, its impossible. Very disappointed that I'm wasting so much of my time trying to figure out something that Adobe had previously made very easy.
Anonymous commented
The only "signature" anyone has ever used Adobe products for is Digital Signatures. Putting just the "initial" and squiggly "signature" fields as the only readily available options under "Fill & Sign" is just ********. "Initials" and "Signatures" are completely useless for business unless they can be digitally verified. Do better Adobe.
Anonymous commented
How do you delete a digital signature certificate in Adobe (to avoid having it show up on emails all the time)?
gregory A Haley MD commented
is there a way to enter your own digitally scanned signature for entry as the "signature" when it asks for digital signature on a forms?
Anonymous commented
I am trying to get a form to work. I built it a few days ago and signatures worked fine. I had to make some changes and ended up having to rebuild the form. Now the signature fields are just like plain text fields - there's no digital signature flag and it doesn't ask for one. What am i doing wrong?
Admincdas (Admin, Adobe) commented
Dear User,
To use Digital Signature on Acrobat/Reader, if you have a signature field present on the pdf, you still can click on the document field and it would initiate the digital signature workflow. This functionality is still present in Acrobat DC. If you want to draw a signature on the pdf outside a signature box, please go to Tools--Certificates--Digitally Sign. That would enable you to draw a box on the pdf for the signature.
Anonymous commented
I can't even figure out how to put my digital signature in now. Government just switched from standalone Pro to Pro DC and my digital signature block no longer works.
Jeff commented
I agree! So Frustrating!