BUG - PDF Maker will not print PDF with any file containing Calibri font
Create a document in Word, Excel, or Outlook with Calibri font and try to print to PDF. You will get the attached error message and no PDF will be created.
Windows 7 Pro

Anonymous commented
Yes. I couldn't print due to calibri font and had to leave it. Recently I didn't come across such problem.
AdminBablu (Admin, Adobe) commented
@G.T. Little,
We tried to reproduce this issue inhouse but this wasn't reproducible.
Can you share print logs with us.Here are the steps to enable the print logging we discussed about:
1. Open Registry
2. Go to
Go to
a. 32 bit machine: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2015\FeatureState
b. 64 bit machine: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2015\FeatureState
3. If FeatureState is not already present there, create it as a New key
4. Inside FeatureState, create a new DWORD and rename it as – ‘EnablePrintLogging’
5. Assign the value ‘1’ to EnablePrintLogging key
6. Run the respective Print workflow
7. The user should now open his System Temporary folder (%Temp% in cmd)
8. A new file called ‘AcrobatPrintingLogs.txt’ should be present there. This file contains the relevant logs.Please share the logs with us.
AdminBablu (Admin, Adobe) commented
@ G.T.Little,
We tried to reproduce this issue inhouse, but this issue wasn't reproducible.
We will share with you registry settings. Please attempt the same workflow where issue is encountered. Print logs will be generated. Share the printLogs with us. -
G.T. Little commented
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
2015 Release (Classic) I Version 2015.006.30306