setting to open sidebar with comments by default
Please create a preferences setting so that the commenting sidebar opens by default when opening a document. That's what I use 99% of the time, and it's irritating to have to open that up every single time.

G Latham commented
I know this suggestion has been declined before, but you really need to revisit the idea of opening Comments by default, or locking it open while using Acrobat DC. During the pandemic, our entire accounting department - and most of our company - is working from home. The only way I have to make notes on PDF documents or indicate that that I reviewed them is by adding comments (or stamps, etc). Opening the Comment toolbar over and over every day (even though I leave Acrobat open) is absolutely ridiculous. Your developers may not see a reason for this, but obviously the people who have left comments here and on other forums DO see the need. Please listen to your users and provide what we need to do our jobs efficiently. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely agree. Comments made by others should display upon opening.
Anonymous commented
Looking for the same feature & more (e.g. opening the comment sidebar in folder level javascript, which I have not found a way to achieve).
But still I found this one-click-through-tools-pane-sidebar-on-the-right, which is way more convenient that going through "View/Tools/Comment/Open" sequence of menu clicks (4 clicks total), or "Tools/Comment" sequence, which costs 2 clicks.
Anonymous commented
Please do this one. It drives me batty having to reopen the Comments bar every time I open a PDF.
Jan-Pieter Jacobs commented
Yes please fix this. There used to be at least a button on the toolbar for opening the commenting tools directly, but that seems to be gone with the most recent update I got ( 20.009.20074; now there's only sign and edit buttons) and having to go through the Tools menu every time is annoying. Thanks.
Jane Colilla commented
This is the most annoying thing. PLEASE allow me to keep comments open as a setting. Editors need this preference.
Cedric commented
YES PLEASE! The sooner this is implemented the better!
Nancy Perry commented
Great idea! Would be a huge timesaver. Please include it on your short-term roadmap.
Gonzalo Montoya commented
I´m an editor and I work with marked-up pdfs all day long. I also need the same, I mean, to have the comments pane available right away everytime I open any pdf file. This would make my reviews and reporting way easier.
Marie Norris commented
LOVE THIS IDEA! Please do it!
AdminArvind Yadav (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thanks for bringing this issue to our notice. Your valuable feedback helps us improving our product. We discussed about this particular issue and we do not have any plans to work on it in immediate future. However, we’ll have it in our radar and might revisit at an appropriate time in future.