BUG: Date field in Word not converting to PDF correctly.
I created a date field, called VersionDate, as a Custom Document Property in Word. The field is displayed in the document footer. When I converted the document to PDF, the date changes from July 25, 2017 to July 24, 2017. I tried converting from Word plugin, Acrobat DC, and the Adobe PDF Services website, and each one sets the date back one day, but the Microsoft plugin also changes the format (from July 25, 2017 to 7/24/2017 (especially annoying since Australia does not use the U.S. date format).

Hi Gabreille,
If you open your Word document and go to Print Preview mode (Word→Print, select any printer and check the preview), you can see that the date changes to one day back. Adobe Acrobat has not come into picture till this point. It is the custom date field that is behaving incorrectly in Word.
Gabrielle Gagnon commented
Not on my system (Word for Mac 15.33 onMacOS Sierra v10.12.6). I tried a different document just in case -- our release notes for Aug. 29. The date in the footer in the Print Preview dialog on the Mac is too small for me to read as is, but I took a screen shot of it and zoomed in, and the date is correct (August 29). When I actually print it --either to a printer or to a PDF--the date is also correct. It's only when I convert the document in Adobe (using File Save As, best for electronic distribution option or the Cloud service) that the date is rendered as one day earlier.
I don't seem to have the ability to upload the screen shot for you anymore -- perhaps because the issue has been tagged as resolved. Do you now think the issue is worth investigating further?
Gabrielle Gagnon commented
Interesting that you think passing the buck to Microsoft resolved the issue.
First of all, the date is converting to one day earlier, not one day later.
Second, I doubt very much this is a Microsoft problem, since the date converts incorrectly in Adobe Acrobat DC and on the Cloud, but correctly in Adobe Acrobat Distiller. If Microsoft were to blame, the date would be consistently wrong in all your products, wouldn't it?
Distiller generally produces better results in my opinion, but unfortunately, you've crippled it for the Mac, so that it doesn't preserve bookmarks and hyperlinks.