The program needs an eraser (I've been telling Adobe techs this for years) If you need an example, download a trial version of Bluebeam Revu. Take a look at their crop, eraser, cut and flatten tools. You guys need to step up your game!

Russ Turrentine commented
Erase stray marks on a scanned image. Erase background dots. Basically erase (get rid of) like delete whatever you erase totally removed from the file not hidden.
Tom Harper commented
I agree that it needs an eraser. I used Oce' View Station for years on TIF images, but it no longer works on the newer computer platforms and most of our map images are now stored as pdf's. I would like be able to erase background speckle that appears when we scan old documents similar to the attached.
Kelly Vaughn commented
The eraser in Bluebeam works like one would expect an eraser to. It erases whatever you draw over. Sort of like Redaction, but with an eraser. So easy! You at Adobe should seriously download a copy of Bluebeam Revu so you can see the tools that your competitors are making for people!
Please elaborate the use of eraser in page operations.