please simplify the overall user experience - as we had it earlier! all new additions might be welcomed by some- however there are also peop

Thanks for Reaching out to us for your concern.
Could you please let us know the exact issues that you face while using any functionality in Acrobat so that we can work upon that for your simplification ?
Arpit Agrawal commented
Hi , Thanks for reaching to us. We have taken your suggestion and will be coming up with the solution in future releases once we have more users with the same concern.
-Arpit -
Anonymous commented
well, there is SOOO much i am critical about with ACROBAT that i could not go over that on a voluntary base (all the more ADOBE is not an entity that deserves the support of volunteers...)
but here are some core issues:
you create a basic dilemma by digressing from the simple MENU/WINDOW scheme to a much more ambiguous scheme where WINDOWS also have menus or other elements that seem to take over the functionality of MENU (sidebars, tabs)
(1) all functionality offered by an app should be accessible through a well structured MAIN MENU and its sub-menues (keeping that to a minimum)
(2) the use of ICONS should always be an ADDITIONAL REDUNDANT options for those that feel more comfortable with VISUAL navigation
(3) use of ICONS should conform to a very high standard of graphic skill and cognitive considerations - some of the current icons are simply ridiculous (eg the PLUS sign together with a small arrow use to push functions into the QUICK ACCESS pane for example...)
(4) app should provide users with a STABLE/RELIABLE experience - that has always been an issue with ACROBAT (looking like a poorly coed piece of software) however it became even more though in recent updates: the cursor flickers if moved by pixels (on a high res display...), text input in callouts is sticky, callouts can not easily be moved - particularly when position at margin of doc an the screen/window is too small to show them (i have not found a previously available RESET COMMENT feature...)
i stop here, as i said, there would need to be so more considered....
would be happy to see proof/effect of your consideration,
andreas schneider