QuadPoints Of Link Annotation can't render Correct.
QuadPoints Of Link Annotation can't render Correct.
Below is OK.
/Rect [ 28.346 743.543 547.106 787.543 ]
/Contents (Link)
/M (D:20180221190116+09'00')
/F 4
/Border[0 0 0]
/StructParent 1/QuadPoints[
547.106 787.543 479.352 787.543 479.352 767.543 547.106 767.543 79.45 763.543 28.3460007
763.543 28.3460007 743.543030 79.45 743.543030]
Below is NG.
/Rect [ 28.346 743.543 547.106 787.543 ]
/Contents (Link)
/M (D:20180221190116+09'00')
/F 4
/Border[0 0 0]
/StructParent 1/QuadPoints[
547.106 787.543 479.352 787.543 479.352 767.543 547.106 767.543 79.45 763.543 28.3460006
763.543 28.3460006 743.543029 79.45 743.543029]
Below is NG,too.
/Rect [ 28.346 743.543 547.106 787.543 ]
/Contents (Link)
/M (D:20180221193405+09'00')
/F 4
/Border[0 0 0]
/StructParent 1/QuadPoints[
547.106 787.543 479.352 787.543 479.352 767.543 547.106 767.543 79.45 763.543 28.346
763.543 28.346 743.543 79.45 743.543]
Maybe Acrobat treat Rect as float and QuadPoints as double.

Jan Slabon commented
OK.png was removed from my previous comment.
Jan Slabon commented
~5 years later this bug still exists in Acrobat. The definition of the QuadPoints is that they need to be defined inside the are of the Rect. It looks like there's a bug in the comparison of float values in Acrobat because this sometimes works and sometimes not.
The files provided by Hiroki shows the faulty behavior perfectly: In the test-1_ok.pdf the QuadPoints are taken into account and only the underlined words are clickable.
OK.png show the Rect and the QuadPoints.
NG.png shows only the Rect and the QuadPoints are ignored. -
AdminAmmar (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Hiroki,
Thanks for Reaching out to us.
The behaviour difference that you are getting with the Good and Not good files is just because of the Link that is created for both these files is differently.
Thus, the cursor icon on hovering on the linked text is appearing differently for both the cases.
Its just the ways these links are created by the respective pdf producer for both these files.To check the actual link location on the View, Go to Edit app -> Click on Links dropdown and select Add/Edit Web or Document Links.
Ammar -
Hiroki Uematsu commented
QuadPoints surround the blue texts.
I expect cursor is chenged when cursor on the blue text.
But only text-1_ok.pdf work correct at Acrobat DC. -
AdminSoumik (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Hiroki Uematsu,
Can you little more clear what exactly you are trying to perform? is it with standalone Acrobat or with Internet explorer?