Hi, Please provide some information to help us understand the issue.
- Does it crash everytime scan mpre pages comes?
- Uncheck “Scan more pages” option and select “Front side” and see if it still crash.
Also share
- Scan settings
- Scanner driver details
- Crash logs.
To create crash logs please follow these steps.
1. Create c:\temp\
2. Download and extract http://download.sysinternals.com/files/Procdump.zip into c:\temp.
3. Make sure no Acrobat instances are already running — check via Task Manager.
4. Launch Acrobat
5. Launch CMD prompt and type “cd c:\temp”
6. On the command-prompt type: “procdump -e -ma Acrobat.exe c:\temp\01.dmp”. Procdump will now wait for the crash to happen.
7. Perform the actions in Acrobat that cause it to crash.
8. Procdump will have created c:\temp\01.dmp.