BUG Drag and Drop Not Working in PAGE THUMBNAILS
Drag and Drop has stopped working in Page thumbnail.
Cannot rearrange pages in page thumbnail.
Cannot drag pages from other pdf's that are also open.
**This is not resolved by the FIT view function.
*This is not resolved by the PDF/a option.
**This is new as of last week.

Thanks for reaching out to us for your concerns.
Can you please let me know the exact version number of Adobe Acrobat DC that your are working on ?
I Tried this at my end and Drag drop in Page Thumbnails panel in a pdf / across pdfs is working fine for me.
Also i would request you to kindly share with me a screen recording video of the steps that you are trying to do here ?
You can send me that at ajain@adobe.com
Ayush Jain
PeteMc commented
I just upgraded to Pro 2020 and I'm shocked to find that this is STILL an issue.
Come on Adobe, this is a joke! I could always drag and drop pages regardless if I was in full page view. You need to fix this ASAP... Or I'll be using my refund period to go look at the other viable options. (I stuck with Adobe out of apparently dumb product loyalty....)
Arpit Agrawal commented
Hi , Thanks for reaching out to us. For Re-Arranging the pages via thumbnail in PDF , please zoom a little bit pdf first and then after holding the shift you can drag the Pages in the thumbnail to any position you would like. I hope this will resolve your concern. Also you can use Organize pages App in Acrobat to do that more efficiently.
Jeff commented
Experiencing this issue. Holding on a page does not activate it to move; cannot drag pages from one document to another.
Architecture: x86_64
Build: 19.12.20034.328841
AGM: 4.30.85
CoolType: 5.14.5
JP2K: Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)
OS 10.14 -
Gary Brazzell commented
Just developed this problem today, out of the blue. Zooming out does not help. It simply won't let me rearrange pages. The main way I use PDF is to create a file by combining different files. In the first screen, I can usually drag and drop thumbnails. Now I can't drag thumbnails at all, not from any of three panels where I would usually do this. Also, my tools are all messed up. The main tool I ever use is the zoom / magnification, and it's gone.
Robert commented
I am on OS 10.14.2 and 2019.010.20064. I am have the same problem. I can can drag a thumbnail from one PDF to the other to create a master PDF. It is a MUST HAVE feature.
Melissa commented
This problem just started for me! What a nightmare! What should I do? Is there a solution for this issue?
Anonymous commented
Fixed it. Run DISM Tool in Command Prompt and restart.
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
this will take a min; note the spaces as well in command prompt
then do this one.
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Once finished, I restarted comp and it worked.
SCASALE0518 commented
Video sent
Clif commented
I started a new job and we have the full version of Adobe here. I use this function daily and have this same issue. I was playing around trying to figure out why I can't rearrange or move a page from one PDF file to another and I noticed this setting. I am not sure if this is related/the cause of the issue but when I went to preferences -> Security -> Document Restrictions Summary shows "Document Assembly: Not Allowed". This document isn't secured but my software that I am using (and then printing as adobe pdf) might automatically do this. Could this be setting be the cause of my issue?
Hello Maya,
Can you please let me know the exact version number of Adobe Acrobat DC that your are working on ?
I Tried this at my end and Drag drop in Page Thumbnails panel in a pdf / across pdfs is working fine for me.
Also i would request you to kindly share with me a screen recording video of the steps that you are trying to do here ?
You can send me that at ajain@adobe.com
-Ayush Jain
Anonymous commented
just tried to go through chat help to get this problem resolved and it was abysmal. I seriously have no reason to pay for Adobe anymore if I can't drag and rearrange pages
Anonymous commented
I've been having this issue for over a week now and dragging and dropping pages is a main part of what I do every day. This has been very frustrating.