Why is there a Reading Order pane and a Tags pane? Is there any circumstance that would require them not to match?
Why is there a Reading Order pane and a Tags pane? Is there any circumstance that would require them not to match? Do any screen readers even use the Reader Order anymore?

Since there is already another thread for the same issue. I’m closing this one.
Please track the issue on other thread : https://acrobat.uservoice.com/forums/590923-acrobat-for-windows-and-mac/suggestions/37571164-bug-pdf-tag-panel-does-not-match-reading-order-t
Joel Crawford-Smith commented
Are you serious?
"Your valuable feedback helps us improving our product."
That is obviously a lie. Just look at all threads in here that Adobe ignores.
"We discussed about this particular issue and we do not have any plans to work on it in immediate future."
Again more proof Adobe hates their customers.
Plus the entire list of Accessibility fixes that Adobe ignores or just says they won't fix proves that Adobe really does not care about people with disabilities either. Its disgusting.
"The issue you just mentioned is from Indesign and I would recommend you to please log the bug to them."
Please see this thread and add your newest comment to this thread:
Mary Helen Shuff commented
I have been making my PDFs 508-compliant for years. I build the export tags inside my InDesign style pane for "export options." I also map my styles to tags. All of a sudden, even though my read order structure is perfect, the TAGS are all out of order and are not following any of the mapping or the read order and my PDFs are failing compliancy when read with JAWS or other ADA reading software. Why are the TAGS taking on random hierarchy and do not follow any structure created in the source file?
Joel Crawford-Smith commented
Additionally, If they need to stay separate panes, can you add a button to sync them? So the Tagged order gets duplicated to the Reading Order?
Joel Crawford-Smith commented
Thanks for the response, but can you answer the question? Is there a reason why a person would not want the Reading Order pane to not match the order in the Tags pane?