Updated Fill and Sign feature changes are horrible
The changes to the fill and sign feature are horrible!!! The edit box will not go past the page so filling out to the edge of the page is impossible. The Box fill in feature no longer auto detects the boxes making selecting the boxes and resizing required for every entry. When typing the beginning of the text no longer goes where the user selects but move to were it wants, which so far as never been accurate, beginning in the text before it and/or through the line the text is supposed to be on. Also when the auto fill in options come up they do not move the page up so that all auto choices are visible, in may cases making the auto fill in useless as the choice needed is on the lower part of the list and not visible until the entire thing is typed out anyway. PLEASE FIX or REVERT BACK!

Closing the issue due to no further communication from the user. In case you encounter the issue again, please feel free to contact us.