Size indication has gone - want it back
Size indication has gone - I want it back
It is essential that I know at a glance what size I am viewing the document - partly so I know what i am looking at and so I can see how it displays at a particular size so I can define what size I want it to open for my audience (regardless of their default settings)
I assume that Adobe have kept the function but hidden it from me and I really don't feel inclined to waste some hours searching for a basic indicator that was there yesterday and gone today.
(insert expletive here)
Since we havent heard back from you for so long, we are closing this thread here.
Please feel free to reach out to us again if issue persists.
Ayush Jain
Anonymous commented
wish you wouldn't, rather you just replaced that plus sign magnifying icon with the actual percentage size instead - it would save so much grief....