Did NOT have automatic updates on and still updated
I really do not appreciate starting work and finding a whole new update unexpectedly when I have work to do! I do not have auto updates on and was not even signed into Adobe. Please stop updating without warning!

Automatic updates are enabled by default for Acrobat. Could you please let me know how you disabled the updates.
How to disable updates:
Anonymous commented
The updates are a major problem, customers from overseas send me a .pdf, so I open whilst on the phone with the customer, only for Adobe to decide now is a good time to update. Its crazy to have to communicate with a customer that I cant assist right now as unfortunately Adobe has decided an update is the most important thing to do right now
Patrick commented
Hey Adobe, I know your people are likely doing their best but ask any one of them if they are OK with, in the middle of their workday, one of the apps on their computer just updated itself, telling them to wait, and THEN made them restart. No option to pause, delay, or set a time later when they don't expect to NEED their computer. Of course, after the fact, we learn you have auto update enabled by default. Please, for the love of all that is reasonable - give your users a little control and respect. Please add an option to prompt when updates are ready. Control of my work system is important to me, and I suspect I'm not the only one.
Tony Collins commented
I have the same issue with Acrobat Pro DC on iMac, I have since downloaded about 10 previous versions and tried to install them and turn off Auto Update every time but it still turns back on and updates Acrobat to the latest Version, I have gone back to Acrobat Pro version 2018.011.20063 which still auto updates even with the Auto Update Turned off. But I seem to get at least a week out of it before it updates some times.
I cannot go to the latest versions of acrobat pro DC as it conflicts with Plugins from Heidelberg that I need to use every day for my work.
I am currently using Mac OS 10.14.6, I have 3 other operators at my worksite using Macs and they are running Mac OS 10.14.5 and they don't have this issue.
Not sure if there is a conflict with Mac OS 10.14.6 and the Auto Updater not turning off or if it is just a bug with some Acrobat installations.
I am going to try and install an earlier version of Mac OS and see if that fixes the problem. -
Kelly Vaughn commented
This is a problem for me as well. Even when automatic updates are turned off, they still update, as indicated by Adobe staff here; https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2631431
It sure would be nice if that information (continuous updates versus optional updates) was actual stated in the preferences. Because users believe that if they click the check box to disable updates, then the updates will actually be disabled.