I hate to do the work of Adobe for free and have them profit. I hate it. They love. That is why they have this forum.
There needs to be a "swipe" option or at least a centered option, maybe an interactive option, that allows for the switching of tabs not visible in the toolbar but are open in reader. I have 15 tabs open and if I'm on just about anywhere on the screen I have to precisely navigate to these tiny, poorly positioned, pointer arrows to get back to the previous tabs which are no longer displayed and hidden from view.
Since we haven’t heard back from multiple users on this, We are closing this thread.
We’ll revisit if we hear back again on this
Ayush Jain
Arpit Agrawal commented
Hi , Thanks for your Recommendation. We have taken this point under review and as we get more users with the same concern we will be considering this. Have A great day.