Auto Tag a Single Page
Acrobat's new Autotag utility re-tags the entire document.
Sometimes most of the PDF is fine and I just need to correct one page or a portion of content that I've selected.
But we can't do that: right now, it's all or nothing.
Give us the option to autotag the entire document, a single page, or the content we have selected with our cursor. Keep the other tags that are already in the PDF.

I believe the suggestion given by Chris will fulfil the requirement.
Further, we have it in our radar and will implement it in the future.
Gen LC commented
Chris's solution doesn't work because page extraction and recombining in some cases breaks the tagging structure in other pages, it's also very time-consuming to do it that way.
Additionally, pages with complex contents or just a large amount of contents, such as tabloid pages, can already be tagged properly, manually, and autotagging is only required for part of it e.g. a table.
We need the option to autotag only specific contents.
Val Werner commented
I tried Chris's suggestion for a problematic page in the middle of my 90-page file and when I inserted the page back in, the tags on the second half of the PDF disappeared, never to be seen again. I already had to do painstaking corrections on the first half of the file (~80% of footnotes were tagged wrong), and now I have to choose between autotagging again and redoing those painstaking corrections, or manually tagging the rest of the file. There is not one but two places in this sequence of events where having this feature would have saved me literal hours of work.
mally commented
Create the feature to retag a single page in a PDF, not just the whole thing.
The Accessible Designer commented
@Rachit Jain,
No, Chris' suggestion does not work in many cases, or not well enough in others.
One critical drawback is that the document looses the hyperlinks to that content, such as cross-references and TOC links to it. And any footnotes on the page are now gone or don't work correctly.We really need a valid solution for accessible tagged PDF: give us the option to select a portion of content and have it AutoTagged.
Please removed the RESOLVED label on this request. It isn't resolved at all!
Vansorat commented
I too am interested in being able to auto-tag a part of a page, such as a table, for example. Can you let me know where Adobe is in term of implementing the partial auto-tag suggestion. Thanks.
iris commented
I agree with Bevi, 1 page out for 260 needs to be retagged, to be exact its one table only on that page. I extracted the page fixed, got it to pass ADA compliance as a standalone page, i bring it into the master document and it gets all messed up again. i do not have access to the original file in word.
Chris Frank commented
pretty easy to extract a page, tag it and then put it back in doc.
Bevi Chagnon | commented
No, the Order panel tool doesn't really accomplish what's needed. Example, these items can't be selected and tagged from that panel:
- Lists (<L>, <LI>, <Lbl> and <Lbody>)
- Tables of Content (<TOC> and <TOCI> with <Link>/<Reference> + <Link OBJR>)
- Captions (without the <figure>; the Caption tag is being used on links, tables, and other items).
- Tables with footnotes
- Regular page footnotes with their corresponding hyperlinks.
Second, in some documents only a partial section needs to be corrected, such as 2 pages of a 100-page PDF. It would greatly help if the user could select that specific content and autotag it without re-tagging the remaining content.
Right now, autotag retags the entire document, which in many cases isn't needed.
Bevi Chagnon | commented
Yes, I'm aware of that limitation.
That's why we're suggesting that Adobe correct that limitation.