Drag MS Word documents into an existing PDF - no longer works
We used to be able to drag MS Word documents into existing PDFs (in the thumbnail view), and the Word document would automatically be PDFed and combined with the existing PDF. This no longer works, and is causing certain tasks to take much longer than they used to.

Can you share your Office and Acrobat version?
Also, share the exact steps you are doing and screenshot of the error that you are facing.
Anonymous commented
Hi, I'm using:
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC - Version 2019.012.20040
Office 365 ProPlus - Version 1902Here are the steps:
1) Open a PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
2) Open up the Page Thumbnails view on the side
3) Open a File Explorer window and click & drag a .docx file into the page thumbnails in Adobe
4) A window opens up to save a separate PDF of the .docx file (it used to just convert the document and add it as a page in the PDF)
5) Click on “Save”
6) The .docx file is saved as a PDF, but then Adobe gets stuck at a progress bar that says “Please wait, reading Adobe PDF”
7) When I click on “Cancel” (because the progress does not change), I get the attached message, and the .docx file does not get added to the PDF I tried to add it to.Thank you for your help!