Request to revert back the color of icon from black to red for Acrobat Standard DC
Please revert back the icon color of Acrobat Standard DC to red or any other color but black. The black color has poor visibility and not eye friendly.
Request to take it on priory basis if possible as its slow down working speed as we loose the visibility of the icon on taskbar

Hello All,
Thank you for the feedback. The icon has been reverted to Red icons in Feb release of Acrobat and Reader.
Monique Delorme commented
The Acrobat icon (in task bar and before every pdf file) has recently turned black on my iMac in Catalina. How do I make them come back to red???
Muhammad Syed commented
why did you chnage the logo
MrMattiPants commented
I agree with "Anonymous" that the Default Icon Color should be Red, as it always has been. Honestly, it should have never been changed and had it never been changed, it wouldn't be an issue. However, since it was changed, you now have users who are going to complain about the fact that it was changed back. Therefore, my suggestion was simply to give users the option to use the Black/Blue Icon, if they do not prefer the Default Red Color.
Regardless, I have gone ahead and Created my own Adobe Acrobat Icons, which I thought I would share with those who prefer one Icon Version/Color over another. Therefore, you can find your Icon of choice (Red, Blue or Black) in my Github Repository, which I will include the Links to, below. I have also included the Original Vector Art Files, in SVG Format, for those who prefer to design their own.
Github Repository - Adobe Acrobat Icons: Acrobat - Red Icon: Acrobat - Blue Icon: Acrobat - Black Icon: -
Anonymous commented
Seriously. Acrobat is red. It's been red for like 25 years. Just leave it be. If you want to do some custom color, purple, polka dot, who cares.. but do that yourself. This thread, and request, was to turn it back to the original color and admin chose to resolve this request. Please start your own thread if you want green, yellow, black, striped or whatever your flavor of choice.
MrMattiPants commented
Why not just include the Red and the Black (or Dark/Navy Blue) Versions of the "Adobe Acrobat Pro" Icons with the "Acrobat.exe" File, to make everyone happy?
While many people seem to have complained about the Change from the Red to the Black/Blue Icon, simply because they have become accustomed to the Red Icon, I Support a large number of Users, who are currently working from a Remote Desktop Connection, which has both "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" and "Adobe Acrobat Pro DC" Installed.
Changing it from Red to Black has allowed our Users to differentiate between the two. Since you've changed it back to Red, Users are having trouble telling the Difference between them, once again. -
eognd12 commented
Please change the icon back to BLACK. Not all of us Acrobat users are old or blind. Black is modern, clean and easier to see/find.
If anything needs a change, it's Photoshop and Lightroom that have nearly identical colors on the current icons.
dbcallsr commented
Ah, perhaps a better idea would be to leave the Pro logo red, but change the inner Lissajous figure to black. What say?
dbcallsr commented
OK, now you've gone and done it. You've changed from black to red, as requested, but in the process you've blown it again. There's now no way to readily distinguish Pro from Reader by color, just by size (which is only on the "ribbon"). I guess "smaller" is to designate "pro?" Poor means of designation, which difference doesn't show up anyway in drop-down lists. So.......perhaps you could use red with a black border as a reminder for those of us who got used to the black icon. Names (words), by the way, are not nearly as effective as the icons because a) sometimes the name is not apparent until the icon is hovered over, and that's a bother, and b) the Adobe file names are not very distinguishing in themselves. Oh well.
dbcallsr -
Steve commented
Thanks for restoring the red taskbar icons! For those of us who regularly have 10+ programs open and sitting on the taskbar at any given time, this really helps to quickly find the icon we need.
Darren Delaney commented
This is terrific news and a wonderful response to a concerted effort by lovers and users of Adobe Acrobat. A great decision!
Anonymous commented
Jake Crew commented
@Karan Malik
Is there a way to change it back to the black icon? It was MUCH more preferred to me than the red icon.
Anonymous commented
@Daniel Main
It's been awhile since I changed from PC to Mac. "I think" you do these sorts of things through the registry editor (regedit.exe). Good luck with that... but gives you another search term to find instructions.
Problem is, whenever you update Windows, update Acrobat, obviously reinstalling things or upgrading to a new computer -- this icon change reverts to the default.
AND.. whenever messing with the registry, you risk nuking Windows.... so, another reason why the Adobe engineers should just change this back and not corner users into creating unintended problems :(
Daniel Main commented
@Rav Norodom Thank you Sir. Anyone with an idea on how to do this in Windows, I would be very appreciative.
Daniel Main commented
Dear Adobe Engineers,
Some of us are old and set in our ways. Please change the icon back to red. Thank you.
Daniel Main
Rav Norodom commented
@Daniel Main. Sorry, my instruction is for Mac computer. For Windows, I am not sure how it works. You will need to do a bit Google searching on the Windows end on changing icon.
Daniel Main commented
Rav Norodom, I tried to follow your instructions but don't understand "Then do Get Info on the Acrobat application icon and paste this red one over it." I right-clicked on the Adobe Application icon in the system tray and selected Properties, then on the Shortcut tab I clicked on the Change Icon button but was unable to find the acrobat red icon.png file. I even tried going into Paint and saving the file as a jpg with a .ico file extension after it but I still can't browse to it when trying to choose a different icon. What am I doing wrong?
Darren Delaney commented
Dear Mr Norodom,
Thank you kind Sir for providing this advice. I will be instigating this personal patch this afternoon. I appreciate your post and am very thankful.
Dr Darren Delaney
Rav Norodom commented
Instead of waiting for Adobe to make change, attached is DIY red icon. Open the png file in Preview and copy. Then do Get Info on the Acrobat application icon and paste this red one over it. Make sure you relaunch the application twice for it to take effect (Launch Acrobat, then quit. Launch Acrobat again and it should stick).
Louis Richard Pauzé commented
2021-01-12: J'ai le même problème. Y voir aussi la même déception.