Set Status: Dead after latest update
After the latest update (2021.007.20091) the SetStatus fly-out in "Comment" told is 100% dead. No fly-out shows up so there's no way to change that status to anything...

Hi Andres,
Great to hear that the issue has been resolved at your end.
Thanks for the update!
Ankit kumar gupta commented
Hello everyone,
This issue has been resolved with 21.007.20099 release of Acrobat. Install updates from the Help menu of Acrobat/ Reader DC. In the application, go to Help > Check for updates.
Check release notes here
Adobe Acrobat software developer -
Andres F. Cathalifaud commented
Hello Jean-Claude. I got a separate email from Arvind (the Admin); the Acrobat team already identified the issue and is working on a fix. Hopefully we'll have a fix soon...
Jean-Claude Tremblay commented
Not working for me, even with 2021.007.20096
Andres F. Cathalifaud commented
Hello Arvind. The issue was gone for a couple of days and then it came back. I could send you another screen capture but the symptoms are the same: The flyout menu only shows to "Set Status" but not past that, no sub-options to pick from. The first time the bug came back, it was solved after restart of Acrobat. Later it returned BUT now it won't go away anymore. I did a full uninstall and reinstall of the app but that changed nothing, nada, zilch. The bug is here to stay, it seems.
Andres F. Cathalifaud commented
MacOS 10.15.7 (19H1417)
iMac Retina 5K, 2020
3.6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9
72 GB 2133 MHz DDR4The issue persisted even after two complete system restarts, yesterday.
My plan was to reinstall the app all over again IF the issue was still there today.
Luckily (and strangely), the problem “went away” overnight and now the Comment tool is working as expected. One of those computer “flukes” that should not happen but do all the same.