640 results found
Check box changes to Signature field type arbitrarily
After creating a checkbox, changing its name, modifying its size and assigning "Signer 1" as the participant role, it changes to Signature Field Type.
Demonstrative Video Attached.
1 vote -
batch rename form field based on selected form fields
batch rename form field based on selected fields so that a simple Javascript can hide or Show them based on the simple syntax of the Field name.
How to implement it:
1. Select form fields in overview panel
2. Right-click Batch rename selected form fields…
3. Done and great for javascritping with ease.6 votes -
Multi Select / Assign Participant Role
Please allow a user to assign a "Participant Role" to multiple fields at once inside of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (Convert to Adobe Sign form). Similar to how you can select multiple fields and make them all required with one click. This isn't always a huge issue, but when assigning multiple fields in a large table format this can quickly become very tedious and massively time consuming.
6 votes -
Rotate Form Field Box
Under the prepare form area, you can add form fields. However, you can't rotate the field box. It always stays straight. I would like to be able to rotate it based on the direction of the image/text in the project.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
12 votes -
More direct 'Submit' button
I have a pharma client that I've been working on a Sales Aid for. It was created in InDesign Interactive. At the end of this 8 page (or so) document, there's a simple form for people to request a patient starter kit. No signature is required. We would like to have people submit the form directly to my client, but in Acrobat Pro, the form goes to the end user's email address and they need to forward the form on to my client. This is a 2-step process and not ideal at all for user experience. Client wants the form…
2 votes -
Group/Lock text and corresponding form field together so they can be moved together
I create many forms and every time I create a text field and corresponding form field (whether text box, check box or radio button) I have to move them around separately. the text fields end up grouping together with other unrelated text fields and adjusts line spacing randomly which makes it double-triple work to move around and adjust when laying out the form. Text fields should be left individual with option to merge with other text fields if desired. It takes me way longer to create a form than necessary because i have to constantly readjust the line spacing and…
11 votesThank you for report your concern. I have forwarded your request to the engineering team. We will reach out to you if we need more information.
Locks up
I'm 2 hours into filling a form and it decides to lock up+#*#.
Don't know what to do but if I loose my info I will quit paying for Acrobat!2 votes -
Post From to Social Media Button
Add a functionality option to form buttons that would allow for posting to social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.). This would allow the user to post an image of the form to social media (without the button showing) This would allow designers to create "form templates" that would allow the users even in Reader to post to social media.
2 votes -
pdf forms exported as flat (non-editable) pdf files
I have designed forms that my staff complete & then we provide to external sources. I need these to export as a flat file & don't see how that could be accomplished other than export to MS Word & then to a pdf... kinda labor intensive!
5 votes -
Adjust leading on the appearance area for the multi-scroll fillable type.
I would like to be able to adjust the leading for multi-scroll fillable type. I often have to adjust my art in InDesign so that the type matches the lines on forms.
4 votes -
Where is the Forms tab
I would just like to find where it is?
2 votes -
Cannot fill PDF that was sent to me
I have a saved PDF on my computer and I cannot fill any fields.
3 votesClosing this for now until we have further info on the request.
Can revisit later -
Bug- Acrobat PDF Form document with digital signature fields does not launch
Since Friday, November 17th, 2017, we cannot open adobe acrobat form documents that contains digital signature fields. When we try to open the document, Adobe Acrobat application is not responding. First, I thought it is about verifying the digital signatures but even the unsigned form cannot be open. Also same document that digitally signed before cannot be open.
I created this form using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC in April 2017. It was working fine until November 17th, 2017. All our users have same problem.
OS: Windows 10 Pro Ver: 1703 Build: 15063.0
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, Continuous Release | Version:…3 votes -
Cannot enter calculations for fields
It is a Bug, not an idea.
When trying to insert a calculation into a form field to show the new date (also with other simple calculations), for example
var f = this.getField("Heute");
f.value = util.printd("d.m.yyyy",new Date());I can insert it, but when clicking OK the field is empty and nothing calculates.
There seems to be an error, snce this has worked befor – or I am doing it wrong, but I cannot see how.
Any ideas?
3 votes -
Form properties does not hold calulations
It is not an idea, it is a bug.
When I open two exact same PDF files, one that has been created 2 months ago with formula to insert the current dat, calculate prices and costs, and a freshly created PDF to include the exact same calculations to the exact same named fields, I cannot get one single calculation to stick. Neither when adding them via hand, nor via export and import function. When I go to properties/calculations and user definted calcuations and add the copied text there, click ok enough times thennothing happens. when i look into the field…
1 vote -
copy and paste with different names
When you have to resize a field such as a check box, it is more efficient to do a copy and paste. However, it is a pain to have to go back and edit each and every field with a unique name. This occurs because your paste autopopulates the name field with the same name. This feature should be able to be turn on or off as needed.
2 votesClosing this for now until we have further info on the request.
Can revisit later -
Allow user to change default of check box.
Allow user to change the default check in the checkbox to another default such as cross.
4 votesClosing this for now until we have further info on the request.
Can revisit later -
Issue with Order Tabs Manual versus Unspecified
May be a bug. This is for Adobe Acrobat Standard DC Version 2015.006.30355. Happens when dealing with RADIO buttons and using Manual Tabs setting. I can move the Radio group field over and over in the right panel, but it will go right back to original position after a Save and open in edit again. After moving it in right panel, it won't change the tab # when viewing tab numbers either. Discovered I have to select "Order Tabs Unspecified", make the move, and then save. It defaults back to Manual after every save (even when still in edit mode),…
1 vote -
Undocumented feature
Despite the submitForm page in the JavaScript API not mentioning the possibility of using a UNC, based on the behaviour of Acrobat Distribution Wizard I decided to test using a UNC instead of a URL by including the following line in my script associated to the MouseUp event of my custom submit button:
this.submitForm({cURL:"//SERVER/SHARE/", cSubmitAs:"PDF"});
To my satisfaction, everything worked as I suspected.
The following line also worked:
this.submitForm({cURL:"smb://SERVER/SHARE/", cSubmitAs:"PDF"});
So this seems like an undocumented feature btw pretty useful for small businesses which in general outsource their web services but mantain an onsite file server.
2 votes -
Two submit buttons
In https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/setting-action-buttons-pdf-forms.html you can read:
“When you distribute a form, Acrobat automatically checks the form. If it doesn’t find a submit button, it adds a Submit Form button to the document message bar. Users can click the Submit Form button to send completed forms back to you. If you don’t plan to use the Submit Form button created by Acrobat, you can add a custom submit button to your form.”
I added a Submit button to a form and when I distributed it I got two submit buttons: the one I added plus the standard one generated by Acrobat inside…
1 vote
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