417 results found
Multiple Navigation Tab settings in file Properties
Sometimes I need to view the bookmarks and attachments at the same time. Please allow multiple selections and more than one tab to open at the same time. Also create a default setting that if a pdf has bookmarks and/or attachments, these tabs automatically open in the initial view. So I don't have to find out if the pdf is bookmarked or has attachments but will know immediately upon opening the file.
1 vote -
Insufficient data for an image
I open all PDF files just fine. After anywhere from 20 mins to an a couple hours I will receive an error "Insufficient data for an image" and the document goes blank - all pages are white. If I have multiple PDFs open the same thing happens to other files, though may get different error such as "There was an error while reading a stream." but all pages similarly go blank. Have to close all and reopen. Files may or may not have comments in them. Seems to happen to any and all files.
Running Windows 10 Pro, 32 Gb…
15 votes -
insert pages location
I add a review page to my documents. I want this always to be on the first page. But I am not able to edit default location for "before first page".
Please make this setable in the settings. We create around 3000 documents each year and every single one has a review page as cover sheet during reviews. Not default seems to be after page 1.
So we have to change this every single time.1 vote -
Resize PDF Pages
It would be very much appreciated if I could resize PDF pages in Acrobat. There's no easy way to do this in Acrobat Pro DC--really, no way except to place the PDF in InDesign and do it that way, which is laborious. This would particularly be helpful when I'm resizing books to create one PDF from multiple files.
6 votes -
New highlight in Acrobat reader is too faint, multiple highlight options please
In the new update, the color of the highlight changed from the bold yellow to the faint, faded yellow. I really cannot appreciate this change because of the poor contrast the faded yellow has with the white background.
I work with my computer all day and sometimes reduce the brightness level of the screen to reduce glare, which causes eye strain, but now the faded yellow highlight is so hard to see when the screen is on lower brightness.
If you must have this faded yellow color for the highlight, I would want to at least have multiple options selecting…
6 votes -
Program crashes with this file - please explain
Simples: I scanned this file in via my $5,000AUD 2018 photocopying machine - I then went to re-arrange the pages and hit save - KA-Booom. Crash.
1 vote -
When watermark is set to print ONLY, it should NOT display on the screen!
When watermark is set to print ONLY, it should NOT display on the screen!
1 vote -
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
Extremely slow and freezes constantly. Disappointed
3 votes -
insert a pdf page of file
Acrobat Pro 9 allowed me to add a pdf page or file by going to Documents/Insert page
With Acrobat DC, I don't see this feature; the closest I have come is to merge files, which is more troublesome and creates a new file that I then have to rename
1 vote -
Dialog Boxes Too Big for Screen
The crop dialog boxes are insanely large and unscrollable -- I can't click on "Apply" unless I move the dialog to another screen, and on that screen I can only see a small part of the window.
4 votes -
can't delete pages
Guys I can't delete pages and I've updated to the last version of Acrobat.
Help1 vote -
It is much more difficult to delete a page
It is much more difficult to delete a page in the new system.
1 vote -
Page Move
In earlier versions of acrobat, it was feasible to move a page by right clicking and inserting new page number. This is very helpful for a large document not visible in one screen. For example, if page number 86 needed to be moved to page 7, then just right click page 86, it will open up move dialog box, and just type page 7. Page 86 will be after Page 6 as desired
1 vote -
Problem with Acrobat dc's combining pdf files on Apple laptop
My combine PDF feature has stopped working. When I try to add files to combine, nothing happens. I am using an Apple laptop. Need it resolved. Any suggestions?
1 vote -
Invalid Parameter
Operating system: MacOS Sierra 10.12.6
When you editing a linked pdf file (deleting or replacing pages), an "Invalid Parameter" error occure and I can't complete the action.
Furthermore, after the error, you are unable to save the file or make other changes.
4 votes -
Acrobat Desktop Pro 2017 - Combine files does not always work
When using the Combine Files into a PDF option, sometimes that will work (usually the first one or two times) and then it will fail and no files will show up in the window to be combined even after they are selected. This occurs whether the command is started from within Acrobat or if the option is right-click selected from a folder with files in it on the desktop. Restarting Acrobat solves the problem until it occurs again.
1 vote -
Add Roman Numeral Page Numbers
Just be able to add roman numeral page numbers that are reflective of the page labels.
4 votes -
Reading experience - Temporary bookmarks
Please add multiple buttons/slots at the top where temporarily current view can be stored and after scrolling to the previous pages one should easily move back where he was reading. While reading, to recall something from previous chapters of a book or to see next mentioned chapters, is a really tedious job to do when you want to go back where you left reading.
1 vote -
Allow mac book users to resize
I would like to be able to either resize all pages in an Adobe & have the program scale down the oversized documents or find an alternative way to save PDFs through Adobe with the printer option. I just moved from a Windows computer to a Mac and I used to be able to print as a PDF and my documents would be scaled down to 8.5x11 but apparently, Mac does not allow this option and Adobe doesn't allow you to resize all pages nor does it scale them when you do try to shrink the page dimensions
1 vote -
'delete page' not working in 'organize pages'. clicking the pop up brings are you sure, but does not delete the page, happening for 2 weeks
this has just stopped working in the past 2 or 3 weeks. i have used this feature many times in the past. happened on multiple occasions. i updated software this morning, hoping it would be resolved, but it is not.
1 vote
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