417 results found
Multiselect Dropdown List in Acrobat
The state of Texas now requires students to be assessed using multi-select. I am an instructional coach and work with the teachers. I use Adobe for almost everything. I can create a multi-select dropdown in Excel, but not in Acrobat. It would benefit hundreds of school districts and millions of kids for Adobe to create a multi-select dropdown list option in the fillable PDF. Thank you.
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Add support for the Ot URL scheme
Currently, embedded links which use the ot URL schema are blocked by Adobe Acrobat even when adjusting security settings. Adobe Acrobat doesn't need to support reading these links as they're simply opened in a registered Windows application, but we need Acrobat to stop blocking these links.
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How to spot fake Cash App balance screenshots?
What is a Fake Cash App Balance Screenshot? And how can you spot one? Several scams on the internet and YouTube videos promoting fake apps are available for viewing. Before you download a fake Cash App, it's essential to understand what a balance is. A fake Cash App balance screenshot represents the amount available in the app at any given moment and the final amount after all charges have been made. It can also mean an additional charge for a specific transaction.
Cash App Balance Fake Screenshot: What is it?
One of the first things you should look for in…1 vote -
Thicker Outline of Thumbnails
Hello Adobe, I would like Adobe make right side thumbnails make outlined with thicker line and sync with the current page automatically with faster speed so user does not have to scroll down it to find current reading page thumbnail. I am attaching screenshot of it FYI.
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can you add a full screen presentation option? Please?
Just look at Canva, and add a presentation mode!
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search internet for selected text
Select text and right click to choose 'search the internet'.
MSword and all other text apps allow this functionality but still not in adobe.
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Translator from Spanish to English
When will Acrobat be able to perform translations in particular from Spanish to English and vice versa?
With Mexico being America's adjacent neighbor one would expect this to have already been implemented.
Many paying and non paying corporations and individuals would benefit from this addition.
There are many requests and upvotes already asking for this feature and it would appear that those who are reading and responding from Adobe to these requests are either not seeing the benefits or don't care or don't deem this as a critical addition which should have already been implemented by now.
Please pass this…1 vote -
frequent freezes, crashes and hangs while accessing a file through SonicWall VPN Client
An intermittent issue where Acrobat hang or freezes while viewing, editing or panning/zooming while accessing files over a VPN server. This has been an issue since fall of 2021 with new updates. Uninstall/reinstall temporarily fixes the issue, but it crops up again after a few weeks. Disabling the firewall does not fix the issue. This is on Windows 11 with standard features on a high end PC.
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Adobe file extensions problem
Hey there ! I am facing problem while opening images and files on my website https://tennisania.com/ in adobe extensions. kindly help and resolve
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Translate option in multiple languages
Translating from one language to another language is needed. In order to do that, we either have to go to google which is the worst when you wanna translate a document, or use the word for translate which is the best. But sometimes I am unable to switch the document from pdf to word especially the presentations designed in different formats. Having a translation option for pdf would be an amazing tool.
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Right Click on Page - No Cut Page, No Copy Page
When I right click on a page I can "Delete page," but there is no corresponding Copy Page or Cut Page. And... if a page is in the clipboard, there should be a Paste Page.
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Left-click in PDF image disables rotate-clockwise shortcut
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (64-bit) Ver. 2021.011.20039 on Win 10 Enterprise 1909
When opening a PDF image, the shortcut to rotate the page clockwise (Ctrl-Shift +) stops functioning after left-clicking the image with the Select tool. Rotate counter-clockwise shortcut has no issues, only rotate clockwise.
Right-clicking the image appears to restore functionality to the rotate clockwise shortcut.
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Make cropping scanned images more intuitive
I've been using Adobe products for over 25 years and cannot figure out how to crop my PDF pages in this version of Acrobat.
I do not want to consult the docs. It shouldn't be this hard.
I seem to be able to find the crop tools and draw my rectangles but nothing happens after that no matter what/where I click.
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When computer resets/updates or desktop app resets/updates, all OPEN files should be restored
When computer resets/updates or desktop app resets/updates, all OPEN files should be restored
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Bug: Highlighting with white/black hides text.
Highlighting with white/black color hides the text - black highlights hide black text in regular viewing, while white highlights hide the text when document colors are replaced with white text on black background.
Instead, it might be useful for black highlights to have the text displayed as white text over the highlight, while white highlights have a black border around the text in regular viewing, and vice versa for when document colors are inverted (ie, white text showing over black and white highlights with a white border around the highlight).
This would allow for visual separation of black/white highlights from…
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BUG: dialog box "save as" is empty
Acrobat Pro DC on MacOS Mojave. Very annoying!
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Reading preferences
Under Reading Preferences, "Screen reading options", there should be an option to "Do not read pages". Right now we only have 3 options available (please see screenshot).
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Crop tool selects outside the white work area
for system information see system.txt
when i select the crop area against the gray border i get a black line in the print as if 2 a 3 pixel from outside the white work area are selected.
its imposable to eyeball a this because the print/pdf is 130cm x 400cm.
older versions never had this problem
for a photo please see https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/crop-tool-bug/m-p/12338038#M3261321 vote -
Enhance the open document preferences
Add a preference setting to automatically open Page Thumbnails when a document is opened. Currently this is not an option. Heavy document processing would be made much less cumbersome if this option were available.
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Allow the View>Page Display>ShowCoverPageInTwoPageView to be on by default.
In the prior version, this option was on by default. Now I have to manually select it in the menu, for every document I open. This should be a selection in the Settings area, to enable this view as default or not.
1 vote
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