Arabic OCR
Need to recognize Arabic text from scanned images.
We already considered this request. We will update you once the team prioritise it and implement it.
Rami Ragheb commented
ahmad bittar commented
Hi, did Adobe OCR start supporting the arabic language?
Lagt Lagt commented
شكرا Anonymous والله خدمة هذا البوت من اروع ما يكون والدقة تتجاوز ال95 بالمائة رغم رداءة الصورة.. ثم الخدمة مجانية.. جزاك الله خير على النصيحة
jehad alsweed commented
this is stupid since 2017 no support for arabic language. i had to unsubscribe for this specific oversight. shameful
A. commented
But when ?
Salah DIB commented
ليست لانه لا يوجد مستعملين كثر للبهلوان انما هي نوع من الاحتقار المتعمد للغة اللتي بنو عليها فخرهم. الحل ان يكون احد هذا الملحق و يضعه لمستعملي البرنامج. انا لا احسن البرمجة لذا هذا نداء اما ان يكون برنامج كامل يغنينا عن التسول او ملحق حر للمستعمل .
و الشكر المسبق للمبرمج -
JL commented
I know of many universities (and work at one) in the Middle East that are using your service using the full professional version. Yet you still do not have Arabic OCR capacity. Also missing are Devanagari scripts (South Asian languages). This is a large oversight and I see communication regarding this problem going back many years so you must be aware. With the advance in AI technology and translation software you could help open up many texts to scholars with mid-level proficiency. Indeed, the AI capacity exists now to help with this process. For example, I notice with many OCR systems there is a problem distinguishing medial ف and غ and this is something with which an AI system could help. So, this is the perfect opportunity to fill this gap. I suggest you partner with large universities in the Middle East and South Asia that have existing good computer science PhD programs to work on this (some good dissertations on applying AI to OCR might result too!) unless you are already close to a solution. If you are close, I think an estimated time frame conveyed to this community would be appreciated. Thank you.
Ibrahim Aal-Iessa commented
Adding the OCR for Arabic script won't just benefit digitizing Arabic language texts, but text from multiple other languages, including Persian. We are in 2023, and so many advances have happened to AI, it is so weird that you have not added Arabic OCR till now. Facebook and Tiktok have now added text to speech for Arabic, it supposedly was impossible, but they did it, and it makes life so much easier. Adobe do something!
Haytham Gamal commented
Please add Arabic language it's global language spoken by roughly 200 million people
Soheyb Trade commented
still nothing from 2017 you really should consider this adobe!
Simona commented
Any news please?
Kernel Consol commented
Where are we now? Is it available now?
Finsday commented
still nothing from 2017 you really should consider this adobe!
Zaid Al Hilali commented
Adobe Team, please let us know whether the OCR for Arabic content will be released any time soon. I have two large Acrobat sales deals in the Middle East and Nort Africa that have been placed on hold due to the fact that Acrobat cannot OCR Arabic content.
Common team, we're all missing opportunities! -
Jeyhun Huseynov commented
Arabic-specking population: 360,000,000
Adobe DC Arabic priority: 0
Sofiane Sofiane commented
- commented
We're in 2022 and still no support.
Shame on Adobe -
Anonymous commented
The advice does not waste your time here. Go to the telegram:
Pot convert the image into a text without error.
@ImageReadBotالنصيحة لا تضيع وقتك هنا. اذهب إلى التيليجرام:
بوت تحويل الصورة إلى نص دون خطأ.
@ImageReadBot -
إلياس شهرة commented
ocr arabic Please
سماعز سماعز commented
So Please tell me How do I use this website?