Print more than 999 copies
We should be able to print more than 999 copies theses days. This is really a pain. All other product we use here at my company allow to print more than that. I know i can change the values with my Fiery's interface after printing, said 1 copy, but this is a two steps ways and it is less efficient...

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0978262999 -
Stephen Coles commented
any update on this
i am using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2020.006.20042 and can only print 999 copies
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Jérôme Dufour commented
Did this release will be available for Adobe Acrobat XI Pro?
This is the version we buy and use... -
AdminSwapnil Srivastava (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Jerome,
Thanks for the suggestion. We already have a feature logged for our 2019 December release.
Swapnil Srivastava -
[Deleted User] commented
Yes, we really need to be able to print up to 9999 from the computer through Acrobat at our business. Otherwise, there is always the possibility of human error in how many times the file was sent to the printer. And what about large files with long RIP times? Sending large files multiple times to the printer can get time-consuming. We use a work-around by sending the file to the mailbox (hard drive) on the printer, but it doesn't have as many settings as the computer driver does, especially slipsheets, inserts, etc. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Previously (version 9 pro) We had the ability to override the print quantity in the post script options of the printer. We regularly print 1000+ copies of pdfs to our printer and it would be nice to have the ability to send 5000 copies without having to sent the document to the printer 5 times at 999 and another time at 5 to get the total quantity.
How it worked was that we went into print properties, Post script tab of the printer dialog box and entered the desired quantity and it would carry back to the quantity box on the print interface in Acrobat.
Suzie Nada commented
For the love of all that is good - YES! It's such a 90's problem to have LOL.
Jerome Dufour commented
Thanks for taking it in consideration.