Rotation on the text boxt
Allow the text box to be rotated

Anonymous commented
This issue is very frustrating. Anytime I go into edit mode after comment mode all of my text and imported photos rotate 90 degrees. Why? Seem like an issue that should be resolved ASAP.
Anonymous commented
Thanks for writing this in-depth review. I read your website.
Tarak commented
Jay L, You are correct. There is no body listening at Adobe!
Jay L commented
The admin is obviously not smart. There is a huge glitch in ADOBE software that "
SOMETIME" allows rotational aspect of text, but most times DOES NOT. This is a simple function that ADOBE who started PDF's has zero clue in resolving. I am bringing my business to Architect PDF. it is more user friendly -
Ken‐Samuel commented
This is why I will never buy Adobe. When the admin dœsn’t even understand the original question, then pretends like they solved it. SMH
Dallas Brent Clement commented
When moving a line or two to a different page, the text sometimes shifts from a straight horizontal line to in between vertical and horizontal. I need a straight horizontal line and cannot seem to fix it.
Anonymous commented
As Anne S. reported. My adobe also "decides" to rotate comments at 90-degree angles. Unfortunately, I don't have a PRO license to use the EDIT functions.
This is an absurd. This is such a basic function that MS PAINT DOES IT RIGHT.
Anne S. commented
Text boxes should def be able to be rotated. I did find a workaround for when trying to copy-paste fillable fields from one form to another and Adobe "decides" to paste them at 90-degree angles. (The PAGE rotation suggestion did NOT work for me)
Copy the fields from the origin file. Go to the receiving file and use the EDIT command. While in EDIT mode...paste the fillable fields - and they will match the origin orientation. THEN go to PREPARE FORM mode and you can move them etc.
Desperation led me to discover this...Adobe ... MAKE FIELDS ROTATABLE!
DougDL commented
FOUND THIS the page, add the text box, and rotate the page back.
Jack commented
Charu Karwa-
You are completely wrong. Or do not understand correctly what the problem is with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. A piece of text is rotatable, though not in the manner you are showing. It is the comment text box that has a border that has no method for rotating anymore. And it is terrible that this has still not been resolved 2 years later. -
Tarak commented
Seriously! 2020 and not one to look into this!
[Deleted User] commented
Sami Varjonen commented
It's now nearly 2 years since OP. I'd say it's fairly obvious that nothing will be done to fix this.
I've been using workaround that requires the JS Debugger (CTRL+J) and a command "this.selectedAnnots[0].rotate = 270;" in which you will replace the angle with something that suits you.
It is in no way perfect and consumes a lot of time, but there is no other way around this.
Bummer. -
Mark R commented
I am unable to rotate text box as per directions. No rotate handle appears. Adobe Acrobat Standard DC 2019.021.20056
Anonymous commented
As of 8/30/19, I still can't rotate a text box in Adobe Acrobat XI Pro (11.0.23).
Bill Landgrebe commented
I am still having this issue with a text callout. I can't rotate it and it is very irritating.
Tarak commented
Hi again, I see there text boxes using Edit app -> Add text and the one using Comment App -> text box behave differently. The earlier is rotatable as described by admin but its properties like line color and weight cannot be changed. While the box created from the Comments App you can format the text box but cannot rotate it. Strange!
Tarak commented
Yes, Anonymous. This is not resolved yet, counter to the comment 'Resolved' by admin. We do not see the rotation symbol on handles. Also I see different type of handles. And I cannot paste a snapshot here.
Anonymous commented
I agree with Sami and Tarak. For a text box created by "Add Text Box" or "Add Text Callout", there are no rotation symbols to be found anywhere.
Anonymous commented
Very frustrating that I can't change the ROTATION feature in "EDIT" to 1%. I'm a graphic designer & don't want to have to import to PS to straighten an image.