Bug: Add to an already made selection with the mouse
If you already have an object selected and need to add to that selection the common universal procedure is to hold down the shift key on the keyboard while clicking the object you want to add to the already made selection. It works fine unless you have the "Output Preview" window open. In that case instead of adding to a selection it creates a new sticky note. You used a universal keyboard/mouse combo for "adding to a selection" to instead create a new sticky note but only when "Output Preview" is open. This needs to be changed to a different keyboard/mouse combo so that SHIFT+CLICK works the same whether the "Output Preview" window is open or not.

Hi All,
With the latest update of Acrobat on 13th Feb, this issue has been addressed. Make sure you are on the latest update by visiting Help > Check for updates (https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/ReleaseNotesDC/continuous/dccontinuousfeb2018.html#dccontinuousfebruarytwentyeighteen/ ).
We have added a preference "Use Shift + Click for Multiple Selection with Output Preview " to enable multiple objects selection when the output preview dialog is open. To select multiple objects, use Shift + Click. To add a sticky note containing the color values, use Alt + Click (on Windows) or Option + Click (on Mac).
For more details, refer https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/previewing-output-acrobat-pro.html .
Please try it out and let us know your feedback.
Priyanka Jain
ray West commented
Please fix this now!
Anonymous commented
Please fix for Acrobat XI as well!
Robert McCabe commented
A very frustrating problem that has not been addressed and needs to be ASAP.
Robert commented
This has been quite an annoyance for our department. Please fix this!!!!
Anonymous commented
Please fix, it is quite annoying.
Russell commented
Yes, two more frustrated users here. It would be nice to get it sorted.
Anonymous commented
One bug more in the Adobe Acrobat "perfect" world. I agree to change that behavior too.
Andy commented
Agreed. Super annoying. Experience this all the time while working with Pitstop. Please fix.
Chris commented
Been annoyed by this for years. NOT user friendly.
Anonymous commented
This needs addressed in XI!
Gil commented
It's very annoying and has not been fixed to date. I experience it using PitStop direct selection.
Ray West commented
Please fix this known error!
SN commented
Please fix - super annoying bug
Tim Ellis commented
This bug/feature has been driving me nuts for months. Please can the new sticky note be given a different shortcut.
Tracy commented
I agree please fix this!
Gwenda commented
yes please... please please change the sticky note, it is supremely frustrating having to remember to close output preview constantly in order to avoid creating a sticky note.