Hyperlink to first occurrence of a range name
I have created a PDF file from an Excel Workbook. Each tab in the workbook has a range name that is in the "rows to repeat at top". I have a table of contents that hyperlinks to each of these range names in each worksheet. When the PDF is created, sometimes a worksheet will become 2 pages. The hyperlink shows at the top of both pages (because it is in the "rows to repeat at top"). When I click on the hyperlink in my table of contents, it always goes to the range name in the second page rather than the first. Is there any way around this? I have attached example files
I am using Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.14393 Build 14393 and Excel 2013 (15.0.4953.1000) 32-bit
It seems that this issue has been resolved and we are not able to reproduce this at our end. Hence we are closing this thread. Please start a new thread in case you still face any issues.