Found Hang in Acrobat Send File function with current version of Outlook
Hi, I found a hang in current release Adobe Acrobat DC (2017.012.20095) when working with Microsoft Outlook on the Mac OS X. I've reproduced on two different Mac models with different versions of the OS. (10.12.6 and 10.12.4) and different versions of Outlook (15.37 and 15.28). This started happening very recently so the problem has to be in a recent update and I think it is because we upgraded Acrobat to the latest on the effected machines.
Steps to reproduce primarily setup related. We heavily use the Share menu so that we can mail PDF files quickly as they are processed. We have Outlook selected as the default Mail application which is set in the Preferences of the built-in Mail app so that email requests will go to Outlook.
To reproduce: Use any open PDF, Select File->Send File->Attach To Email
As soon as you do this, the proper email will be created in Outlook, but Acrobat goes into a loop and pegs the processor at 100%. I have attached a sample dump so that you may have an idea of a starting point. The SendMail / CloseInterator part looks interesting.
I certainly will not let anyone else in our company upgrade to the new version of Outlook on our end because this functionality is extremely important to our workflow.
Complete Uninstall/Install of all Adobe and Outlook files/programs did not help.
If you need any help reproducing or have any questions, feel free to contact me. If there is any way I could get an installer to the previous Acrobat on Mac, I would be forever grateful. This is severely effecting productivity. Thanks, Jeff

AdminArvind Yadav (Admin, Adobe) commented
Dear User,
We did some investigation at our end and want to see if a workaround below solves the issue on your Mac, it works for some users.
Could you please follow the steps below-
1. Quit Acrobat
2. Open Finder on Mac
3. Go to the folder: “/private/var/folders/”
(See snapshot1 for reference)4. In Search section on top right of Finder window type “SendMail” as shown in snapshot2. Note: Highlight “folders” option in Search bar
(See snapshot2 for reference)5. Note the path of this folder as shown below. This should be in /private/var/folders/ and the remaining path will not be constant and is created using hash hence we can’t provide exact path.
(See snapshot3 for reference)6. Delete this folder.
7.Launch Acrobat and try the workflow where you are facing the issue.
Let us know if this resolves the issue.Regards,
Arvind -
Jeff Weller commented
Is there any plans to fix this at all? I formally reported this bug in #ADC-4221646 and in Support Case # 0189375379. I have spent several hours on the phone between development and support. I was able to get the development team to reproduce the issue. I also tried unsuccessfully to get some credit for all the months we have paid for where this has hindered our ability to work. Support is a game at Adobe because all they do is transfer your call to another department. I've spent 25 years in software development and this is unbelievably poor customer support.
Jeff Weller commented
Absolutely. We are coming up with PDF editing alternatives and will be cancelling our Acrobat licenses for the entire company in the coming week.