I have been making monthly payment for Acrobat Pro DC since last April, but now it is telling me that my subscription have expired. My last payment was Sept 27th. I should not be getting this message, and I see no way to fix it.

Marking this issue as resolved as there is no response from the user.
Lourdes Tapia commented
Hi, I have a problem with the payment month of october , it doubled. Please, contact with me ASAP, my e-mail is
AdminRavi (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Andrew,
Can you please sign out from Acrobat and sign in again. Sign out option is available under "Help" drop down menu after a minute in Acrobat.
If you still see the issue please send following log files from your machine to debug the issue.
location on Windows : "%temp%" folder
location on Mac : ~/Library/Logsfiles: amt3.log, oobelib.log & pdapp.log