BUG: cannot save file, text disappears
Third time this week. Working on an existing PDF with commenting tools, and when I go to save, I get the message that the file cannot be saved. Try to save as, as suggested, and get the message that there's a file error, then the text of the file disappears. (Spread in screenshot is two solid pages of text.)

Please feel free to log another ticket in case you face the issue again.
Lori Paximadis commented
It hasn't happened since then. Yet.
My Acrobat is the subscription version, so whatever was up to date SEVEN MONTHS AGO, when I originally requested help. Cannot share the file, since it is under a nondisclosure/no sharing agreement.
Can't say if the workaround would have helped, since I haven't had occasion to try it.
Adminmeaggarw (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hello Lori,
Could you please tell me if you are still able to reproduce the issue . If yes, can you please tell us the version of Acrobat that you are using and share the file on which you are facing this issue with us over email ?
Also, meanwhile did the workaround help to unblock you ?
Lori Paximadis commented
They're local files, Tariq.
Would you let us know where is the file located usually when you try to comment the file? Is that file on some shared drive? Have you tried to save the file locally and tried to reproduce the issue?
Also, you may try the workaround suggested by Kelly.
Thank you, Kelly, for sharing the workaround.Regards,
Tariq Ahmad -
Kelly Vaughn commented
Here is a workaround: export the comments as an FDF file, then close the PDF without saving and then import the comment file you just saved.
Anonymous commented
Any update on this error? Really is a pain as we can't save of edit files.