268 results found
teste feedback
Test feedback
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No application for Me
This app does not apply to me.
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comment disappear in review
when click "view all comment" it's link to "https://assets.adobe.com" in the right of page is properties of file instead of comment from my team and I don't know where I can see the comment.
1 vote -
Dissatisfaction as to how you do business
I was forced to sign up for an account for adobe acrobat pro ( 7 free trial, can cancel at any time) am unable to fine site to cancel. by the way terms were different at the sign up from what was first presented.
nicky508@gmail.com1 vote -
Versetztes Ansetzen von Hervorheben und Textfeld
Beim Hervorheben von Text oder in Bildern wird die Markierung nicht an der Stelle angesetzt, an dem sich genau der Kursor befindet, sondern leicht rechts versetzt, was auf dauer sehr stört, da die Markierung nie perfekt passt. Zusätzlich: Wenn das tool Hervorheben ausgewählt wurde und zB eine Textpassage markiert, muss für die nächste Passage wieder erneut das Tool ausgewählt werden. Ebenfalls sehr störend auf Dauer.
Zusätzlich: auch beim einsetzen eines Textfeldes wird dieses leicht rechts und leicht unten versetzt zum Kursor angesetzt und ist daher auch immer etwas unpassend. Bitte diese beiden Kleinigkeiten beheben.1 vote -
I lost all my work because your web app doesn't autosave
MAKE AUTOSAVE AUTOMATIC. I just lost a full day's work because my internet connection reset. How the **** are you clowns the industry standard?! This is such an obvious, basic feature. If any competitor arises, I will buy stock and tell all my friends.
1 vote -
Neues Icon in der Kommentarfunktion formal ungünstig
Wer hat sich das neue Icon für die Kommentarfunktion in Acrobat Pro ausgedacht?
Es ist m. E. visuell überhaupt KEINE Verbesserung und in ihrer annähernd runden Form des Symbols nicht wirklich übersichtlich oder prägnant im Dokument (einem Kreis zu ähnlich).
Es soll vermutlich an eine Sprachblase erinnern; diese wäre aber klischeehaft-typischer mit ihrer Spitze nach links und dem Schatten nach rechts (anstatt umgekehrt) orientiert und oval günstiger als fast rund.
Über das neue "Pulsieren" kann man ebenfalls streiten (aber sei's drum).
Müssen aber gelernte Formen immer verändert werden? Genügt nicht einfach mal nur ein dezentes "Facelift" bestehender (gelernter) Formen ...…1 vote -
Comentários foram todos excluídos.
Todos os destaques que eu fiz ao longo do texto e comentários foram excluídos de forma repentina, automática e definitiva, péssimo.
1 vote -
Deceiving practices of charging customers - Termination fee for canceling on
absolute rip off - charged for an early termination fee of $54.00 for ending my "monthy/yearly" plan that I have been paying $13.99 monthly for - the wording of your terms and conditions are overwhelming with convoluted jargon. I canceled due to finances and budget and now will stay canceled - I have canceled many products and subscriptions - this is the first time I have been charged for canceling on a monthly plan that apparently is also a yearly plan that I had this great discount. Awesome job - way to squeeze more out of my account.
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Get rid of the automatic pop ups when I move the cursor anywhere near a comment
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comment posting
Stop requiring comments to be 'posted'
1 vote -
Adobe lukittui kesken avaamisen ilmoituksella, "Päivityksiä ei voitu asentaa, ota yhteyttä ohjelman toimittajaan"
En siis saa Adobbiani auki kesken työpäivän!?
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Comments won't post
I cannot post replies at all. It keeps saying that it's unable to post my comment at this time and to try again. This is unacceptable as I am unable to do my job. Please fix
2 votes -
ADOBE PRO....ARNAQUE a 131,94 € !
J'ai souscrit un abonnement Adobe Acrobat Pro en pensant que cela m'aiderait. ERREUR ! Je n'ai que des blocages, des bugs....Etc mon ordinateur ne fonctionne plus correctement. J'ai décidé de résilier cet abonnement pour quelque chose qui finalement me pose beaucoup de problèmes que de solutions ! et je découvre que l'on m'a prélever sur mon compte bancaire la somme de 131,94 € !!!!! sans mon accord. Alors que cela ne m'a causer que des problèmes. Vous êtes des VOLEURS, des arnaqueurs ! Une honte ! Votre Adobe Pro ne m'a causer que des problèmes techniques sur mon ordinateur et…
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Changes needed
Change Retention 2 Specialist to > Licensed Insurance Producer with State Farm. In Lansing, IL. From Nov 2023 to current. You can keep the job responsibilities, just add that
- i make the office flyers, promotion flyers, sale flyers, etc.
- i do the social media pages & graphic designs
- i attend the vendor events for marketingRemove Skyzone & put that in the social media manager & graphic designer for Books Over Balls nonprofit. Starting July 2024-current. Part time.
Remove Chicago corporate and instead put Kovenant Valentina Beauty - Sr marketing executive. January 2024-current.
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Add the Text Replacement Tool in Review Mode!
As many other users already demanded: PLEASE add the full set of commenting tools or at LEAST the Text Replacement Tool in cloud based documents. I don’t understand why this is still not integrated… users demanding it since 2019 according to the comments here. It is essential for the workflow and seems to be such a little thing, that could make working with feedback from clients so much easier.
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This app is no good if i can’t print my document !!!!!
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Bring back all annotation tools
I miss all of the annotation tools we used to have as reviewer and as manager of a review. Please bring these tools back. For example, the previous view (alt + left arrow).
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Lost work
Today I was working for 12 hours on this document and it went blank and would not return. I refreshed and I lost 6 hours of work as it had not autosaved or updated. How do I avoid this again?
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I am requesting to change my payment system from monthly to annually
I need to change my payment system from monthly to annually. can you help do that?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?