126 results found
drag screen left and right
There should be a way to zoom in and still be able to drag the screen left or right to view all content. It is cumbersome to zoom out, select the location on the page to zoom back in.
1 vote -
The cloud application stinks
Put it back the way it was before you went to the cloud. It was a lot easier to use when it's an app on my desktop with all the functions in place. Now you open something online and the way to merge docs, copy and paste, move pages and everything is just a mess. The way you had it was awesome. Why did you change it?
1 vote -
Missing Apostrophes
Apostrophes are missing in the online versions of the pdf - but not in the acrobat app
1 vote -
need version control
or a way to link proofs and say its another version or option1 vote -
i would like the option to upload new version and replace this one
1 vote -
need approval buttons
need approve or reject buttons and email notifications!
1 vote -
Export to PDF to EXCEL
this is not what I expected, yes it turned the doc to excel spreadsheet, but i thought i would be able to adjust the spreadsheet into approiate columns for my use, EASILY! its very time consuming. Wont be resigning. Just wasted $35
1 vote -
It took me almost 1 hour to load your adobe sign
1 vote -
Don't make me sign in to use it. Don't ever do it again.
1 vote -
Adobe Sign Not Loading
Adobe Sign worked for a while but is now perpetually "Loading." I need to access signed documents. I'm an attorney; clients need their paperwork filed with the court. This is a problem that makes me wish I'd kept DocuSign instead.
1 voteHi,
We have made a couple of fixes that should help resolve this issue. Could you please re-try and let us know if there are still problems loading Sign.
Ashu Mittal
Sr. Product Manager -
Fraudulent Charge
I have been fraudulently charged for a trial that was canceled. I have disputed this through my credit card but please stop any additional charges.
1 vote -
Updating commented pdf
I would like to be able to update the shared file with a new pdf that contain the changes suggested in the comments. I also would like to retain the comment history of previous pdfs,
1 vote -
Adobe is too complicated to use effectively
try making it usable!
how am i supposed to print it off in a4/landscape format in full side from my ipad?1 vote -
For Review Management
Format "For Review" section the same way you have the "For Signature" section. Also, the sort by Status doesn't work. Add column under For Review section to who it was sent to for review.
1 vote -
Files security and commenting
I am very disappointed with the document cloud handles my files. I uploaded my pdf file with security for client to make comment however they can't make a comment since it is secured file, and how easy it is for 3rd party user download my file when it is just me and my client ( client provided the link to the 3rd party ). If possible to disable the download link while making a review. Try google drive workflow.
1 vote -
Trying to open a pdf link for review - message: Something went wrong. Please try again later. appears - please help
1 vote -
Japanese experience on online review
This is so annoying because we cannot know who the yellow person is. It can be an unrelated third person. It was shown before, please prioritize experience in Japanese.
1 vote -
2bytes names
Seems 2 bytes name cannot be shown anymore. it was good before, please fix this.
1 vote -
Review tools and resolving items
- Will it be possible to use the comments tools in performaing reviews. These tools are much easier to use than the review tools?
- I have noticed that anyone can resolve a raised item, but when others filter as resolved the items are only shown as resolved if the item was raised by the person who resolves it. This is a little confusing as the resolver still sees the items by others as resolved.
1 vote -
Please kindly improve system and update new version. Thanks
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?