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Acrobat for Windows and Mac



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295 results found

  1. Why do I have to unlock PDF files from the Internet in order to print their content? That doesn't make sense.

    When I print a document, I do not confirm the file to be save. Instead, I'm just converting the PDF file to an even saver format: the printed page.

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  2. My organization has to produce administrative records for court filings, and has to Bates number the documents. Many of them are digitally signed, and we have to break the digital signature (by printing to MS XPS and back to PDF) to be able to Bates number them. Considering that Bates numbering simply adds numbers to the pages but doesn't otherwise compromise the digital signature, please consider developing a way to add Bates numbers to be applied to digitally signed documents.

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  3. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Windows

    Version 2022.001.20169 | 64bit

    We statistically analyze the binary Acrobat.exe, and find several potential Null Pointer Dereference problems due to missing null check.

    We mark these problems with the corresponding disassemble code address and pseudo code of IDA in the uploaded pdf.

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  4. A suggestion for Adobe. It would be so great if pdf signature field properties could be configured to include the signatory's email address, or could be scripted to pull an email address entered in a text field in the same form, so that when the form is uploaded to Adobe Sign it already has signature fields with email addresses, and is ready to send for signatures. without having to type in email addresses and place signature fields. That would be a terrific option.

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  5. It would be nice to be able to remove signatures so file could be used easily.

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  6. Redact - please make it possible to use multiple replacement texts or images

    I want to use a few of different replacement texts while redacting one document.
    I would be very usefull when each replacement text has an own icon in the tool bar. Each replacement text has an other color on the screen, before the redactions are applied.

    Now I have to save the document each time, when I need to change the replacement text for redaction.

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  7. Please add an option to modify the date format in the digital signature.

    I mean:
    - shortening the format from 2021.10.07 '00'02 + 07:29:00 to simply 2021.10.07,
    - possibility to edit the size of the date,
    - possibility to change the format to dd/mm/yyyy
    - possibility to change the separators to

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  8. I have encountered several cases of PDF documents in the past few years. When I signed the first signature, Acrobat DC verified the signature correctly, but when I added the second signature (even though the second signature was signed with Acrobat DC) , Acrobat DC will report that the previous signature is invalid, but I didn’t actually make any changes. Other PDF software (Acrobat 9.0 Pro/iText/Foxit) can verify these signatures correctly. I don't understand what causes the Acrobat DC verification to fail?

    In addition, I also encountered a "1 miscellaneous change(s)" problem in Case1.pdf

    Use the latest Windows 10 and…

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  9. Remove the 6-digit requirement for a password. I need to be able to do a 4-digit password. I tried the workaround in the registry but it's not working. I am not sure why Adobe feels the need to set this requirement when it's not their document that is being protected.

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  10. 2 votes

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  11. Hi, I use adobe reader dc. Need to digital sign a lot of documents and for this a lot of time is wasted. Selecting each time a specified area and sign every docs. is there a short way to do so that all docs are sign at once. I used the actin wizard and tried it but it also same just some relief.

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  12. The certificates do out-date, different from the business ones they expire in 1 to 2 years, so all signed document present very often "problems with the validation", you should change they way the errors are handle, since a not changed document, legally signed in the time period of the signature, is a complete different story from a changed document, or not valid signature.

    Once again all signed documents will have expired signature, and it does not really mean there is an issue, just a new signature.

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  13. There should be multiple options to password protect a pdf, not just read/edit.

    When you make a pdf that is password protected, you have to make sure that whoever you are sending it to, understands how to enter the password, change the password and/or turn off the password. Not everyone uses Acrobat.

    To remove a password, you don't have to go into File > Properties and click the “Security” tab. Click the “Security Method” box, select “No Security”, and click “OK” to remove the password.

    Not everyone understands Acrobat. When you password protect a pdf, there should be an option…

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  14. Due to OCSP caching, Acrobat most of the time adds stale OCSP to digitally signed documents with long-term validation (LTV)

    PAdES-LT and -LTA profiles require signature to include qualified timestamp and OCSP's thisUpdate time must be AFTER signature time as certified by qualified timestamp - otherwise OCSP can't be used for signature validation.

    Thus, when adding LTV data to signed documents, Acrobat should always check:

    1) whether the signature contains qualified timestamp
    2) whether OCSP's thisUpdate time is AFTER the timestamp time (it's not allowed to consider any clock skew here since qualified timestamp servers and OCSP responders should be…

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  15. When sharing PDF files the file should have the built-in function that after a certain time-limit e.g. when information is out of date or to protect IP the contents redact or self-destruct.

    Pairing this with read-only, no download functionality will protect the content from being improperly used

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  16. 2 votes

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  17. We are currently experiencing a problematic issue concerning validating signatures in PDF files created with Adobe PRO. We are using a third party platform that places the signatures (3 signers) and its audittrail into the PDF with a Hash. All signings are placed succesfully but after i download the file again it will not validate the signatures because the file has been changed according to Adobe. This, however, is not the case and Foxit PDF does succesfully validate the signatures. After some research we have learned that Adobe registers a change between the placing the last signature and the time…

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  18. I having trouble with digitally signing documents. I use this all the time. Last week, after the MS 10 update, I get to the signature popup, hit the "sign" button, and nothing happens.

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  19. It is not possible to change the by default black color for signature in ADOBE SIGN (see customer service chat attached)

    This is a strong requisite in some countries. If this can not be met we will need to move to other signature software that allows this option.

    I see this option is already available in Adobe Reader Fill and Sign for IOS so PLEASE include this option for ADOBE SIGN since it looks like an easy fix.

    If this is not possible please provide the reason to try to understand the limitation.

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  20. The creator of a document can edit a password protected PDF by using their regular account password. Or perhaps there is a recovery system for a forgotten password, like email, text, questions, etc.

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