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Acrobat for Windows and Mac



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295 results found

  1. I have two secured PDF's. I need to compare the two documents in Adobe Acrobat but I am unable to. I get a message (attached).

    Can you please add the ability to compare secured PDF's?

    This is an important feature that SHOULD be available in your product.

    I am currently using Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017.

    Thank you

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  2. In Acrobat IX I could create a digital signature field where the user, when getting the form and entering their pertinent information, could simply click on the field to digitally sign the form using their certificates from the employee badge. Did this option disappear entirely now? I don't want customers to have to select window, preferences, signatures and draw a rectangle to sign the form. Allow users to set up a block so the customer just needs to click the field and select their stored credential to sign the form. This is a MUST have option.

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    Resolved  ·  cdas responded

    User has been guided to add certificate based digital signatures

  3. Good Morning Adobe

    Firstly I would like to congratulate all the Adobe team due the great work that you’re doing with your software.

    My suggestion for a new feature or modification one is:
    Be able to sign a PDF with a digital certificate instead of with a handwritted signature on IOS, specifically IPhone and IPad.

    Actually, in the EU states, the 100% legal signature is the one from a .pfx ; .p12 ; .cer and .crt government validated, it’s true that if we use the handwritted one it’s valid, but you have to proof that it’s not screenshooted or…

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  4. When Acrobat tries to verify digital signatures, it checks validity of all certificates included in the signed .pdf document. During this operation, it consults well-known Root CA authorities, locally trusted certificates, but also fetches all certificates from PKCS#11 Digital-ID token (if attached).

    Since PKCS#11 Digital-ID tokens might be very slow, fetching certificates from it multiple times during each signature verification takes excessive amounts of time. No caching seems to be used in Acrobat: if the .pdf document contains 6 certificates, all certificates from Digital-ID token are fetched 6 times and this process might take 2.5 minutes.

    This is a bug…

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  5. "The lock document after signing" checkbox is not keyboard accessible.

    WCAG 2.0 and 2.1

    Success Criteria 2.1.1 Keyboard Accessibility

    To reproduce this problem open the test.pdf and select the signature field. Choose or create a digital signature and select Continue.
    Use the tab key to navigate the document.
    You will see that keyboard focus moves from the Create button (upper right) to "View Certificate Details" and "Lock document after signing" never receives Focus.

    "Lock document after signing" is not keyboard accessible.

    Tested on WIndows 7 and WIndows 10 with Acrobat DC Pro and Reader 2019.021.20061 and 2019.021.20058.

    This feature was…

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  6. Last update requires user to press any keys in password field so pasting password is not working. This leads to using worse, shorter passwords so decreases security. Passwords for signatures is really not the place you should prevent pasting passwords.

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  7. Currently the PDF signature routines of Acrobat fail when using certain certificates. As an SecSigner employee explains, this may be due to symmetric curve crypt algorithms or using PSS padding, cf. (in German)

    E.g. current PDF files by result in the following error (German Acrobat DC installation, no pending updates):

    Fehler bei Unterschriftsprüfung.

    Bei der Prüfung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:

    Interner kryptografischer Bibliotheksfehler.
    Fehlercode: 0x2726

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  8. Acrobat DC Pro hides the 'digital signature' field unless you follow a very convoluted series of steps to find it. Recommend ALWAYS having the digital signature option available. Also, recommend disambiguating between 'signature' 'initial' and 'digital signature' fields. Conceptually very similar. Functionally very different.

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    Resolved  ·  cdas responded

    To use Digital Signature on Acrobat/Reader, if you have a signature field present on the pdf, you still can click on the document field and it would initiate the digital signature workflow. This functionality is still present in Acrobat DC. If you want to draw a signature on the pdf outside a signature box, please go to Tools—Certificates—Digitally Sign. That would enable you to draw a box on the pdf for the signature.

  9. We have noted a bug with Acrobat Cloud version as the document timstamp no longer seems to be handle or recognized properly. Please see the word document with the captures of the output in the desktop version (windows) versus cloud version (Chrome). I'm also attaching the doc with the document.

    The outcome should be same in cloud as in desktop.

    If there is a problem with the document timestamp format, we would like to know what is wrong has this was supported before.

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  10. The max session life option is currently 14 days. Our users have complained about having to sign in too often. Can we please have the option for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or even allow a custom value as everyone has different security requirements. There is the option for "Not set" which is good to have but security requirements may need at least some limit.

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  11. Please make an option for a handwritten/image signature to be mandatory in order for the client to sign.

    (Our clients with special needs really struggle to find the fountain pen to do a handwritten signature. So they only type their name (default setting), and the funding body doesn't pay us.)

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  12. After creating a pdf file with MANY bookmarks through a professional tax preparation program, I save it, password protect it, close it and email it to a client. When I go back and open the saved password protected file, all the bookmarks are gone! WHY? Is it the password protecting that wipes them out? I use Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and I pay for multiple copies on my computers but this is not acceptable.

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  13. Consistent crashing when trying to electronically sign yourself onto a pdf with a saved signature. This is a new bug since last update, has appeared in prior versions. Operating Mac OS Monterray 12.1.

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  14. IF i am having a pdf docs which i need to sign on all the pages, i need to sign this each time on each page and save each tine after each signature, each time selection of tools is also a pain!! don't understand why each time after placing a certificate, pdf asking to save after signature/certificate are placed, it should give a final confirmation once everything is done. i can understand its for security but at least the person who is signing should have this option that he can sign on all docs and at the end save everything.…

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  15. I am running Acrobat Pro 2020 version 2020.001.30018 (most current version per the software) on OS 11.0.1 Big Sur.

    I have had this problem numerous times with at least 5-6 different forms (for example, self-created from Word, IRS-generated forms, etc.) in the last month. I open a form and complete fields and save it - no problem. Then I insert a signature - no problem. BUT, when I then try to save again (after insertion of signature jpg, always the final step), the Adobe window goes blank and I see the infinite spinning wheel. The only option is to force…

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  16. Requesting that the Certificate Key Usage be presented on the "Sign with a Digital ID" prompt. Being able to see the key usage would ensure users are picking the certificate with Non-Repudiation in environments where users have two certificates with Digital Signatures.

    Attached is an example of the current prompt and an example of the desired prompt.

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  17. I sent a document to be signed. When I looked at it afterwards, it didn't look signed. When I tried to amend it, it wouldn't let me because it said it had been signed.

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  18. Add the ability to have an employee's title be added to their Digital ID when signing off/certifying a PDF

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  19. Would like to have an auto save with changes for all files when auto protecting multiple PDF's using the wizard

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  20. Subscribers to Adobe Acrobat Pro DC program should be able to get a signed BAA for HIPAA compliance instead of being told to purchase a second copy of Adobe Sign for Small Businesses just for the BAA.

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