Dock Properties Bar
Through version 9, the properties bar was dock-able. Since X it is not, but it should be. Properties are always useful, it is annoying to have it floating over the document when I have toolbar space at the top of my screen sitting empty and gray and sad. I get that the properties toolbar is context sensitive so it will grow and shrink, but it was in 9 also. Please make all toolbars dockable!

Katie commented
Also - WHY are the quick tools floating in the top left corner, but navigation tools are in the bottom right corner. They literally could not be farther apart.
This update is wasting my time.
Joshua Augustus Bacigalupi commented
As an older academic, I need to fit-to-width so that papers are legible for me. However, if a paper has small margins, the floating toolbar will occlude text; this is totally untenable in the new version (2023.006.20320).
As the OP stated there is a lot of dead space at the top of my document area. This is where we used to very conveniently access all our tools. Now my zoom controls, etc., are way down on the far lower right of the screen. It was annoying at first, but I adapted. The inability, however, to dock the floating toolbar up above my document seems a very strange limitation in functionality, given the available space. I understand it may look better to your UX designers, but it is not functional for everyday users.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and this product; Acrobat is critical to my work.
Karl L. commented
Why hasn't this happened yet?
Cait K commented
Agreed! Make the properties bar dockable! Please add this to Adobe Acrobat Reader too! It's annoying to have to always pull this up.
LlsRdub commented
I second all the comments here. I spent an hour trying to figure it out and was convinced something was wrong with me!
Richard Perkins commented
Please make the properties bar part of the default interface. Right clicking, searching, or remembering the short-cut keys to display the properties bar is simply not tenable. There are so many other programs that we all use on a daily/monthly basis, that these seemingly minor issues compound to big headaches. Bluebeam is a solution which we are using and they do not have these issues. It's almost to the point where we will drop the Adobe Acrobat suite for compounding loss of productivity. Please fix it, or give a sensible timeline in which you will.
Liam commented
yes please can we get this sorted. very annoying
DaveG commented
Pointless Bump for Oct 2020
Neda commented
This has been under review since 2017?!!! Today that I am writing this, we have one month to 2020!!
M commented
Since Acrobat went to DC the toolbar has become functionally unusable. You cannot customize anything easily without submenu extensions 3 or 4 deep and then checking one thing at a time. Plus it seems like Adobe moved all the least used, most worthless functions "Tools" to the forefront and moved away all the constantly used tools (like the rotate tools and page display tools--every document, all day long, every day). Would somebody PLEASE make this program usable again like reader 9 and 10 used to be?
Karim commented
Not sure if anyone shared this tip so far. When you right click on the toolbar, you get "Show Properties Bar". Next to that, I found the shortcut for the properties bar :
Using the shortcut may help you maintain focus because I find that enabling the properties bar via mouse clicks distracting. Hope this helps.
Carrie Stewart commented
I have seen lots of discussions regarding the Properties bar and the inability to dock it in Acrobat Pro. I understand the bar changes size with different tools. I have seen other programs that can handle this just fine but if you can't do that WHY can't you have an option under EDIT - PREFERENCES - COMMENTING that simply says OPEN PROPERTIES BAR ON STARTUP or something to that effect so those that ALWAYS want to properties bar open can open it automatically when opening Acrobat pro?????
This can not be that hard and would be at least a compromise for those of us that use it every time we open Acrobat Pro. I really think you folks could figure out how to dock the bar but at least offer an auto open setting... You may not think this is an issue but for those of us that open and use acrobat dozens of times a day it can be quite annoying. Please consider this for future upgrades. (ps... It would be nice if it at least opened also by default in your acrobat window area and not on another screen or different locations every time you use it..)
Anonymous commented
Kelly Vaughn commented
It’s worthwhile to note that I requested a “No Fill” option be added to the color picker, and it was declined without explanation.
Troy Crow commented
The new version of adobe standard DC is a piece of junk! I have been using Adobe for a number of years for both work & home. Adobe totally went backwards 5-6 steps. this new version is very inefficient and hard to use. I am going to talk to my IT department to see if we can purchase Nuance power PDF for our entire company (3000+ employees) it is only $129 and seems to be better than Adobe!
ASJ commented
Agree! I mark up plans and drawings and need to constantly change colors and linetypes of my comments. PLEASE let me dock the properties bar again, so it is always available, easy to access, and out of the way of my mark-up.
Anonymous commented
I can never remember the shortcut keys or where the Properties Toolbar is located. It's a pain to have to do a search every frikken time I work in Acrobat. In general interface customization leaves a LOT to be desired in these newer versions. Each version of Acrobat seems to become less user-user-friendly and I've been using the software since it was beta.
Anonymous commented
For others who are struggling to find the 'no fill' option for an inserte rectangle, you can find a solution here:
it is frustrating to need to do this though
Anonymous commented
I agree entirely with Mark who stated:
' I've just been struggling to find out how to change the fill of a rectangle (using Comments tools) to "No fill". The visible tool to do this doesn't have an option of "No fill". After going on to the forum I was given the solution, which is to access the old Properties Bar. This is hidden away and very difficult to find unless someone tells you how. It should be more readily accessible.'
I came to this board to post exactly the same message. I have always found the 'no fill' option for a rectangle properties to be very useful. I use it to put a coloured box around a table in an academic article. Please add this 'no fill' option into the rectangle properties pop up
Anonymous commented