Acrobat PRO bug/Creating a new file
In a PDF file you can find two documents like ID-Cards. While trying to cut them into two files, by clickig on the "creating PDFs out of copy" button, ADOBE doesn't Change the Format automatically, so the file get stretched up.
Is there a way to fix this?
Glenn Granderath commented
unfortunally no...
Trying it your way, Adobe creats a file with a bunch of letters and numbers, but not the Image I want to produce...
AdminGirija Agarwala (Admin, Adobe) commented
You can try using "Copy with Formatting" while copying the image so that the formatting is retained.
1. Launch Acrobat and open the pdf
2. Right click on the image you want to copy
3. Select "Copy with Formatting"
4. Now create pdf using "PDF from Clipboard"I hope this helps!