Acrobat DC is pretty nice but if you would put an option to pin recent document that would be nice. thanks.

Hi All,
This feature has been implemented and is available in the Adobe Acrobat official update (19.021.20047) released on Oct 15, 2019.
You can see the details about the feature at:
Thanks for your feedback! Kindly let us know if you face any issues.
Analyst commented
The "star" option for pinning frequently accessed PDFs was available until a recent update and has now disappeared. Why was it removed? When can we have it back?
Anonymous commented
In the new update, when you hover your pointer over a file in the "Recent Files" list, a star will pop up just to the right of the file name. Click it. All files you have "Starred" will appear in a banner above the Recent Files, or you can choose Starred from the menu on the left. At least that's how it works on mine.
Emily G commented
Hello, the link that is posted does not contain the solution for pinning documents in Adobe Acrobat— could someone please tell me how to pin documents within Adobe Acrobat please?
Anonymous commented
This would be a useful feature.
Anonymous commented
I'm keen to see this implemented. It would be of great benefit.
Anonymous commented
The recent files list is fine, but I open a lot of PDFs. There are a few key files I need to access on an intermittent to regular basis. It would be a lot easier there was a way to mark files as favorites or star/pin them to the recent list so I can see them when acrobat dc opens.
Carl Alexander commented
And add the following to the changes for the Home tab/screen's file management:
- Flag files not found and prompt to bulk remove the lost listings. Add another option to find a lost file in a browser and re-establish its new location.
- Be able to sort on file name, date saved, date viewed, size.
- Highlight a file and right click to: (1) show its directory tree or open a browser for a lost file to re-establish its link, (2) delete the file, (3) open it as a differently named file to create a copy, (4) select it for other processes such as document compare or combining. -
Mike Heyns commented
Pin favourite (important) pdf files on home screen. Some documents you use often and then they moved way down the list.
Ahmed Abdelhafez commented
very helpful at work
Anonymous commented
Would like the recent documents list to be capable of pinning documents to that list so they're always there and don't need to hunt them down. In a perfect world, would be nice to be able to arrange the pinned items in a user defined order.
Anonymous commented
This would be a very useful feature.
AJ commented
I would like to see this feature.
Dan Walker commented
Ability to pin certain recent files so that they would be available, just as you can do with Microsoft Word recent files.