Why did you hide the checkmark?
Why did you hide the checkmark?

Mark Lucas commented
Very dsiappointed for Adobe. Why did you change. Time to delete Adobe use a better product, All my colleagues are struggling
Anonymous commented
Bring back the checkmark! It sometimes takes several clicks just to click on the 3 small dots then click the Add Checkmark option. It should be a quick thing to do and it isn't.
Anonymous commented
Sometimes Adobe don't know how their products are used?
An really improvement would be, if the first comment in the list will be automatically active (that I can check the checkbox directly) AND I can copy the text without double click (and without selecting the text) with the keyboard (cmd+c). Or maybe the text will automatically be copied when the first comment in the comment-list is active. Without doing anything I can paste it into InDesign!
Or the checkbox will automatically be set to "done" when the text is copied. -
Alex commented
Hiding the check mark adds more clicks to using Acrobat DC - while you may think hiding it makes it clean, for the user it is simply annoying. Three clicks to add a check mark whereas prior to this it was one. How on earth is that progress?
Adminmeaggarw (Admin, Adobe) commented
In the latest update of Acrobat DC, we have modernize the commenting experience and at the same time, made it very clean and intuitive to use. As part of that, the checkbox is moved to the right click menu of the comment.
Open comment>Right Click>Add Checkmark
Please also note that both the sort and filter options are available for the check mark.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and will consider adding the check mark by default for future updates of Acrobat DC.However there is one workaround to make the checkbox appear in one step by using the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + K .
Colin Flashman commented
The OP is talking about checkboxes in the commenting. This link should explain everything: https://acrobat.uservoice.com/forums/590923-acrobat-for-windows-and-mac/suggestions/35609902-please-don-t-make-the-user-go-through-a-menu-to-ch
Anonymous commented
I can buy a second-party script and learn a new workflow? No Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Clean and intuitive to use? What a joke. It's less productive.
Kelly Vaughn commented
Here is an article I wrote at will help. https://documentgeek.blogspot.com/2018/01/an-easier-way-to-mark-comments-as.html
Also, there is a very active forum thread about this here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2541730