Ditch the 2023 User Interface in Acrobat
There are so many shortcomings and problems with the new 2023 GUI interface. Here are just a few:
Swapping left and right-hand panels for no reason. This does not improve anything for users. It just forces users to change everything about how they work in Acrobat every workday.
Functions are indicated by random icons. In the 90s, we learned that icons in software and websites don't work across different populations. Users have a difficult time figuring out what the heck they mean. Give text labels.
The left panel is permanently positioned on the screen and obscures part of the document below. Seriously Adobe, WTF.
The entire menu/panel system can't be customized, moved, or docked. Another WTF.
Hamburger menus (those obscure 3 horizontal lines) are used on mobile interfaces to collapse menus. They are totally unnecessary and inappropriate on desktop interfaces — where working people spend most of their time working. Give people real menus with real names. "Menu" is not accurate, either. What is the name of the other menu to the right? Menu 2? Cheeseburger Menu?
The new interface is inaccessible for those with disabilities who use assistive technologies, especially screen reader users. Adobe has seriously violated its VPAT with governments and corporations worldwide who are required by law to provide accessible work environments and tools.
Grey on Grey is not an accessible color scheme. Can't tell if some icons are active or disabled. Those with low vision can't discern the icons.
Digital signatures, Document Cloud (where Adobe stores your files by default), subscriptions, OCR, file creation, file combining, and accessibility all have reported major problems for the past few years...but rather than fix these critical problems, money was instead spent on rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic.
As long-time PDF consultants, my firm has found that the majority of customers are professionals who use Acrobat for their jobs. These are not "casual" users working on their smartphones. They are using desktops/laptops with full screens, not mobile devices to do their jobs. And they work with PDFs a lot.
They have developed actions and scripts to automate processes on dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of PDF files every day. These industries include print, prepress, graphic design, accessibility & remediation, accessible forms, variable forms, variable printing, data validation, financial institutions (think of all those bank statements every month!), health care, investment and finance, and manufacturing.
Dramatic GUI changes like 2023's completely change how these automated processes work...if they still work at all.
The cost to these industries to correct the now-broken processes — brought on by Adobe's whimsical, untested design idea — is appalling. If I was a major corporation hit by this unnecessary expense, I'd ban Adobe products from my company and look for another PDF vendor.
There are now many reputable competitors to Adobe Acrobat: See:
— https://www.tomsguide.com/best-picks/best-pdf-editors
— https://www.techradar.com/best/pdf-editors
— https://www.pcworld.com/article/407214/best-pdf-editors.html
Calling this Acrobat's "Modern Viewer" is a form of gaslighting Adobe customers. It's not modern at all — 30 years ago, using icons failed in software and web interfaces, and it's failing again with Acrobat 2023. Sometimes retro isn't good, especially retro user interfaces. Please don't attempt to bring back disco, old-fashioned 20 inch TVs, polyester suits, rotary phones and VHS tapes as being "Modern," too.
Ditch this "Modern Viewer" and instead give us a working tool to get our jobs done.
Revert the interface back to what it was.
Fix Acrobat's bugs. There are so many!
And improve the accessibility for those with disabilities (who can't get to the Comments panel, Bookmarks panel, understand what and how much is redacted, make edits or change the content, scale/enlarge the interface, nor sign a PDF).
For those still reading this, users can revert to the old interface for now (August 2023).
— Windows: Hamburger Menu / Disable New Acrobat
— Mac: View Menu / Disable New Acrobat
I have no idea who long Adobe is going to let us revert to the "real" interface.
Mark Schmidt commented
I like the old interface whereas everything was clearly visible including the page numbers, zoom, etc. Why ruin a good thing?
Michael May commented
As a minimum, install an option to configure the layout, which is hopeless worse
Adam Turner commented
Acrobat, do not on any account make this Acrobat update mandatory. It is an abortion.
You used to be a bad company. Now you are TERRIBLE.
As an example, my Adobe Creative Cloud user id and pw FAILED when logging on here (yes I checked them, three times.) That shows how utterly useless your relentless greedy pursuit of quarterly earnings growth has made you--you can’t even get logons to your own forums working.
Your 'enhancements,' 'upgrades' and so forth are consistently poor, and not infrequently awful.
You have an effective monopoly, be content with that. Just get your products working, then LEAVE THEM ALONE. For ever. So we, your PAYING CUSTOMERS can get on with our work, meet our deadlines and feed our families.
STOP ABUSING US by co-opting us as an unpaid test department. Abandon SaaS, revert to single one-off payments for your software, and abandon your useless destructive enhancement process in the constant greedy pursuit of increased earnings.
Like your software, it’s not working anymore.
Bevi Chagnon | PubCom.com commented
Hoping to get some changes from Adobe, we've created this Wish List to improve the interface.
Add your ideas at https://acrobat.uservoice.com/forums/590923-acrobat-for-windows-and-mac/suggestions/48153893-new-acrobat-wish-list-for-a-better-interface
Emilio Verdugo commented
Do not like the new interface at all. Less intuitive, not as fluid, (not that the old version is either), it is clunky and loses features that were actually not bad. Having to deal with a massive reorganization of the program in the midst of my working environment. I don't want to spend time relearning software in the middle of doing my job. Acrobat is way overpriced for the value as it is. This is why the subscription model only works for software companies and not their customers.
Jonas Madsen Rogne commented
Annotations are now a mess as well. We have to explain to hundreds of our users how to revert to the old interface.
Before, when e.g. replacing text, you could just select the text and type the new text - and it automatically created the correct annotation type. Now it takes me two clicks to manually choose the comment type for every individual comment.
We went from 0 to 2 clicks. Not good. It's also harder to find since the entire annotation toolbar was simply removed.
The new interface is inefficient.
Wendy Hagen commented
While using the older version of Adobe Acrobat and having issues with it…
• Taking forever for documents to open
• Selecting a file within File Manager and the document not even opening Adobe at all.
• Having to go into Task Manager and then having to delete all Adobe background processes to make the program work again or uninstalling and reinstalling the program.
• My customized toolbars reverting back to default on their own every now and then.I finally broke down and enabled the newer version of Acrobat. What a pain in the A$$! Do the people that create these new versions even use the program?
• The new layout – whose bright idea was this? There is so much I don’t even know where to begin. It is not user friendly AT ALL. You have tools to the left, tools to the right and bottom right. This is a lot of moving your mouse around to do various tasks. Why can't I have the quick action toolbar docked to the side panel or up at the top? I do a lot of screenshotting and this stupid toolbar is ALWAYS in the way! When I zoom in to 150% and the entire document is not showing - there is not "left to right" scroll. Not to mention the "All Tools" toolbar, why can't I make this smaller? It takes up so much “viewing” space!
• I work on multiple monitors, and I typically have Adobe opened up full screen. If I open multiple documents and they fill the top area, when I want to move the program to a different monitor, there is nowhere in the top to double-click to make it full screen. I know I could click on the full screen button on the top right, but if I accidentally move the program to a new monitor and that button is not viewable, that is when I cannot double click the area to make it bigger.I would simply go back to the old version, but every time I do, I have the above issues and when I have to pick from either the old version or the newer version, at least the newer version isn’t making me fix the program all the time.
You know, for the amount of money us customers pay for this program, you would think it would be better. Adobe use to be the gold standard. However, it seems it is turning to **** and if this continues, I will have to start looking at their competitors. Adobe needs to look at all the discussions and comments and just switch back to the older version and fix the problems that everyone was having in the older version without having to change the toolbars. You don't change what isn’t broken (toolbars, etc.), you just fix the issues. This version is complete S#@$!!.
Peter Bungart commented
Bevi Chagnon. Your comments are spot on. And thank you for informing us how to revert back to the "old and improved" interface.
Josiah Mos commented
Having the fill and sign tools at the side instead of the top is a downgrade when I need to have two documents open next to each other.
I reverted back to the old UI only for this reason.
MM commented
Adobe Acrobat today updated itself without asking me for permission. It changed to that "new experience" (again) without asking me for permission. I do not need a unnecessary "new experience", which I cannot use. I need to get things done with it, I can do that with the classic interface, but the new interface has hidden all functions and does not allow me to customize the menu bars. If I cannot use a program, I will not use it. Either the classic interface stays there, or Acrobat goes away from my desktop.
Anonymous commented
Adobe is either deliberately tying to run the company into the ground or inspire their developers to jump ship and start their own alternative to Adobe.
I updated Adobe as I was unable to decline the update. The new interface is a complete departure from the previous version. The updated version is not intuitive, clunky, it appears deliberately degraded and crashes routinely. You have to TRY to make something that previously worked so well... now work so poorly.
I advise Adobe not to waste your and my time with some corporate doblespeak of feigned optimism and obtuse logic to justify the degraded product. I look forward to an alternative to Adobe dominating the market so I can permanently switch. It's disappointing to say the least.
TLMaciej commented
I agree! I very much do not like the panel being on the right side. We should have the option to move it to the left and to be able to pin it open if we want to. Also, the floating menu bar is terrible and I hate it. I am sooo grateful that I can "disable new acrobat"!!! I was seriously considering cancelling my Acrobat all together that is how miserable I was. Users need the ability to customize how they want their menu bars to appear.
Miguel Medalha commented
It's as if Acrobat developers are into "recreation programming" and completely ignore that a lot of professionals actually use Acrobat Pro in the production of such things as newspapers, magazines, books, digitization projects and so on. What they did was unacceptable. Our newspaper was surprised by this "update" on the very day of edition closure and we couldn't find a way to use our much needed batch Sequences, which took us a lot of time and work to develop. On top of that, Acrobat kept crashing, sometimes from simple things like clicking on a link. Adobe treated Acrobat Pro as if it was a simple PDF viewer. They seem completely removed from the reality of their costumer base. We are now actively looking for an alternative PDF editor, made by a company which doesn't despise its professional clients.
PMR commented
Hi Adobe developers!
why you just do not roll back new version instead of feeding us with stupid answers after you can see so many citical comments?????@Bhawna Arora - seriously you advised me how to launch "last session" and how to "disable new Acrobat"???? I DID IT AND IT DOESNT WORK!!!!!
I am deleting Adobe and switching on NITRO
AdminBhawna Arora (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi @pawel.rafa@gmail.com,
Thanks for writing the specific instances which are not working seamless for you. Though these issues are not reproducible in general but I am keen on debugging any code break at your end. Please find our responses inline:
1. Despite of I am switchin dark mode, Adobe always coming back to light one > Might be the case, some setting is overriding. Please share some reference for reproducing this issue.
2. why I can see "tour panel" each time I am opening any file > Each megaverb has its associated tour cards, once it is shown, it would never be shown again.
3. unable to "disable new Acrobat Reader" from Menu Panel > For Win, please go to Hamburger menu and select 'Disable new Acrobat' and for Mac, go to View menu, select 'Disable new Acrobat'
4. unable to set "open pdf's from last session on Acrobat lauch" > Please go to preferences and under General select 'Open PDFs from last session on Acrobat launch'
Should you have any further queries, please feel free to drop it here.
Bhawna -
Pat Hamer commented
I spent hours trying to edit a document I created. It was locked, this really sux. I've been using acrobat for years, and I dread using it know. I'm looking for one that is sane.
Dale White commented
I agree the new interface is exhausting and not intuitive. I switched back to the old interface. I ask Adobe to please keep the old interface.
David Lakritz commented
I think it was more than just the UI that got screwed up in this release. I've seen repeated cases where Acrobat sucks up all available CPU for no apparent reason, even though it's just sitting there in the background and I'm not interacting with it in any way.
The only way to recover is to kill the process and restart it.
PVUH commented
I want to complain bitterly about this wholly unnecessary, useless, and impenetrable "update." It was fine. Who asked you to meddle with the original interface? Why couldn't you have left it alone? What is the matter with all you tech companies (this includes Microsoft and its incessant ridiculous and wholly un-user-friendly tinkering with Windows, and now Google is threatening to change its interface as well; there is nothing wrong with the current one, it is refreshingly simple and uncluttered) constantly trying to mess with our screens? Do you think calling it "an experience" will make it better? "Nightmare" would be correct: an "experience" I don't need. I have better things to do with my time than trying to decipher yet one more way to do the same thing. At least you had the humility to recognize that we might not all be as enraptured by this futile absurdity as you are, and gave us the opportunity to go back to what was perfectly fine before. So think twice before meddling with the interface again. Remember you have competitors.
David White commented
The worst thing is to change a working user interface. Must be some junior "inventive" manager eager to claim innovation that made such decision.