1741 results found
Current TAB Gradient, 3 or more open files... viewing which document currently? Who Knows?
Updated today, had to contact support, had to revert. The TABS at the top do not indicate which TAB you are currently viewing. The Gradient, if it is there, is far too subtle for either of my monitors to differentiate. Which file am I looking at? I cannot tell ya!!
EXTREMELY URGENT as a lot of businesses use this to view PO/SO/Invoices that all look the same. So which file did I need to move a page from? Who knows.3 votes -
Update was Terrible
The recent update completely messed up how Adobe works on my desktop. pdf files are not opening and the system is not working at all. I have to access Adobe services online which is not ideal in my business
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Always open in seperate window
When opening an existing .pdf, provide the option to "Always Open In New Window" instead of the existing one. We are filling information into one document, from a SERIES of other documents, and do not want them opening in the same window all the time. Also, it would GREATLY help, if the "All tools" sidebar would remain CLOSED during this.
3 votes -
BUG: Organize Pages -> Split
Using "New" Acrobat. Entering numbers using the keypad on Windows 10 returns non-numerical characters. Num lock is on. In the provided example, I typed 2800 in the pages box and it returned bh``. Entering numbers from top row of keyboard works as expected.
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Recent update has made it difficult to move between multiple screens
Since a recent ADOBE DC update (Version 18), I have been experiencing so many bugs/ issues. One (more minor than others) is that moving the Adobe window/pane between multiple screens is difficult. When trying to drag the screen over to another screen, the program flicks it back onto the original page it opened in, and will not flow over to the other screen easily or at all in some instances. Very frustrating. I have tried minimising the screen and dragging when it is smaller but that is hit and miss aswell. Please fix this.
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2 votes
Adobe Reader window stuck after connecting to my account
When I try to connect to my Adobe account, after I am authenticated in the browser and go back to the application, I no longer can interact with anything (I get a beep sound as if the window was blocked by something or disabled though it's visual style doesn't change).
Even after I close it, there are processes left running in the Task Manager which I have to terminate forcefully in order to open Adobe Reader again.This happens with the latest version 2023.006.20360 on Windows
1 vote -
display both comments AND pages navigation/preview
How can I display bith teh comments and pages preview when browsing a pdf now that both options are on the right side? I can only manage to display the pages OR the comment, not bot and this is VERY annoying (changing th interface this much is really disturbing, such a waste of time!!)
1 vote -
Куда делась панель инструментов? мне нужны кнопки вниз вверх назад и вперед.
Куда делась панель инструментов? мне нужны кнопки вниз вверх назад и вперед.
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Movement of Adobe window on Mac
The space at the top above the tabs has been removed such that it is very difficult to move the window around on a Mac now. You have to go back to the window, then try to find a small space on one of the sides to drag the Adobe window - only one of the small areas at the top by the tabs will let you drag it, and you risk accidentally closing the window.
4 votes -
Remove business features upgrade prompt
Please remove the "Get business features." upgrade prompt from the tools panel. I'm an individual user and already pay for the full Creative Cloud suite, so I'm never going to need a team plan. Having that prompt on my screen constantly with no way of getting rid of it is really annoying!
2 votes -
Your should implement CTRL-PAGEUP/PAGEDN to move between tabs, like in Excel
Your should implement CTRL-PAGEUP/PAGEDN to move between tabs, like in Excel and browsers
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Name of a File being opened in the Header instead of useless application name
Name of the file being opened in the Header instead of useless application name
3 votes -
fixing the changes you made
previously, when extracting a page, I had control of where it went and how to do it. This feature is now called a split? This upgrade is absolutely assenine. Your team took a perfectly functional aspect of Adobe and ****** it up. There is now no control where it goes. It keeps the original document. There's no "how to use" your new product upgrade, which, lets be honest, is a downgrade. I pay >$150/year for this for YEARS, the least your team could do was to make the interface simple and seamless - with maybe some tips so when you…
2 votes -
Acrobat does not open multiple files
I experience this issue repeatedly.
I have 2 PDF files, and double click the 1st file to open. It launches Acrobat, and the file opens.
I want to open a second PDF file, to view and compare. I double click the second file, and nothing happens. Sometimes after 10-20 seconds the 2nd file opens, but many times, nothing happens.
Launching the Task Manager shows me multiple instances of Acrobat running, and many Adobe "Background processes" (Adobe AcroCEF (32 bit, Adobe CEP HTML Engine)
The only fix I have found is to "End task" on the many "Adobe CEP HTML Engine"…1 vote -
Adobe Reader/Current page numbers for PDFs with more than 1000 pages only show the top 3 digits
Adobe Reader Version 2023.00.020244 64bit. When opening a PDF file with more than 1000 pages, the total page number is displayed in 4 digits, but the current page number is displayed in a text box with only the top 3 digits displayed. If you click on the text box, all four digits are displayed. If you click on the text box, all four digits are displayed.
2 votes -
Ctrl+F find does not escapes correctly
In the new version UI, when using Find (Ctrl+F) sometimes the search yields no results, and in consequence causes a popup saying that it didn't find the result, independently if the term I was looking for is in the documente. (please see attachment).
The before behaviour is not showing an popup when the search yielded no results.
This popup will interfere with the focus on the UI, and pressing Esc to get rid of the Find bar will only get rid of the popup, not the entire bar.
To remove the bar I need to press 2 times Esc now,…2 votes -
acrobat unified title
As we are beginning to deploy adobe acrobat unified version in our environement (https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/DesktopDeployment/singleinstaller.html), we saw that the title is "Adobe Acrobat Pro".
This is the same title that appears if the user has a Standard licence or a normal reader.
Maybe it would be less confusing for the user if the title was more generic (only Adobe Acrobat for example)1 vote -
New Acrobat Interface does not work when connected via Windows Remote Desktop Connection (RDC)
Personally, I love the new interface as it only takes a little to get used to and then it is so much faster and intuitive.
The issue is, my computer has the new interface. I can confirm this whenever I launch the program. However I work remotely 98% of the time, and no matter what I try the interface automatically reverts to the old view when I connect via Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Connection (RDC)
I can not figure out what would cause this to happen and its so frustrating because I want the new Acrobat! Please look into…
1 vote -
Missing About section
Provide a "About" section which provides basic details such as Application version, Date of release, etc.
1 vote
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