1742 results found
Full Tools, Menu customisation
Acrobat DC wastes so much screen space in non-customisable areas - It is common to 'snap' the Acrobat Application to Half-Screen - but doing so hides many menu Tools, but ALWAYS leaves 'Home, Tools, Document & then The Login Name. - These are rarely (never) used.
Please allow them to be Hidden, Or return Menu/Tool icons to a 'normal' design/style as used in the previous 10 versions of Acrobat.
'PRO' does not = Tablet user.690 votesHi,
We are delighted to share with you that Acrobat and Reader Desktop release for DC Continuous (21.007.20091) is Live now and this Takes care of the Feature Request to Change the Display Size of the Acrobat without changing the Scaling/Resolution of the machine. This can be Done from “View” → “Display Size”. For now this is avaialble for windows only.
More Info Here : https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/whats-new.html and go to “Change Acrobat Display Size”
Please update your Acrobat (It should Auto update or you should do Help → Check for updates) and let us know your Feedback.
Ayush Jain -
Ability to add more toolbars
It was very cool in early versions that it was possible to add more toolbars. Its annoying that the space is limited for the extra tools I want to add into the tool bar.
I would like to ask for adding the ability to add a new-line/toolbar so all the tools I add can be visible without need to expand a menu by clicking on the dots at the right side.337 votes -
Time saving toolbars
Give us more useful Toolbar with plenty of stuff - must make endless useless clicks to access simple things. Just to Open a page needs 2 clicks! This wastes time. Hover over text that fan open files would help.
This is a terrible product to use - thank goodness for the free stuff Foxit and PDF Creator. Not user friendly and pro-production at all.
267 votes -
Remove tools sidebar selector, or make it an option, or an option to move it to the top or the bottom
The tool sidebar is too close to the scroll bar, and make it difficult to use and select the scroll bar, which is almost always used. Make the position and/or the visibility of the tools sidebar a preference, since this redundant control is available using many other existing ways. This is the must frustrating, duplicative, and unusually located user control I have seen in many years.
194 votes -
Why did Acrobat change the UI to this simplistic, childish design? Terrible, slower to use.
Acrobat Pro used to be seamless, easy to use and efficiently laid out. Now it looks like some child's puzzle game where you have to access numerous screens to accomplish what you used to be able to do from ONE PLACE.
Maddening, dumb redesign that apparently was done for what? Tablet use? Why ruin something many of us use in professional settings so students and casual users can play around with their school prom flyer on mom's ipad?
It is ugly and not at all intuitive. Clearly the project team didn't have anyone with institutional knowledge involved.189 votes -
Remove the big blue "Share" button
You have absolutely no control over the choice of menu design, forced to look at a big blue “share” button, a feedback button and a question mark. When operating in half screen the frequently used menu items I have chosen are hidden, because you think I want to share, learn or send feedback. Give me the ability to remove and take charge of my workspace environment.
180 votesWith our latest release on 11th Dec. 2018, the issue reported by you has been addressed.
If your product has not already been updated, to get the latest product update, click on the menu Help —> Check for updates in the product.You can now customize it by right clicking on the Toolbar and selecting appropriate option.
Dock Properties Bar
Through version 9, the properties bar was dock-able. Since X it is not, but it should be. Properties are always useful, it is annoying to have it floating over the document when I have toolbar space at the top of my screen sitting empty and gray and sad. I get that the properties toolbar is context sensitive so it will grow and shrink, but it was in 9 also. Please make all toolbars dockable!
143 votes -
Synchronous scrolling of 2 pdfs
It would be very useful to be able to scroll 2 pdfs simultaneously as in office tools.
Best would be to be able to scroll side by side with the possibility to do it Synchronously or not (in case of different number of pages).113 votes -
Bug: Shadows disappear on Windows 10 explorer windows
Adobe Acrobat DC keeps turning off the shadows of my explorer windows. Changing the theme in Acrobat doesn't help.
Workaround if you encounter this problem:
- Windows key + r
- Run: sysdm.cpl
- Advanced
- on Performance -> Settings
- Under Visual Effects tab -> Show shadows under windows -> Apply
Probably repeat after restarting Acrobat
103 votes -
Acrobat new interface layout is horrible
Remove this new interface. Due to the update all settings of my old interface (shortcuts, custom button position) are lost and I have to set up my "workspace" new.
Stop deleting the users setting when an update is made - while we pay 700 Euro per year and person.100 votes -
User Interface is Terrible
Most of the time when there is an upgrade you get used to it and after a while see the benefits of it or at least accept the change.
But I have never seen such an awfull designed UI like with the latest Upgrade.
Everything is moved for no reason where we are used to locations of buttons and functions. Why is the Save button on top right where in 99% of all other applications its top left same for print etc.If someone works with this the first time, he might gets used to it but for me personally…
90 votes -
The Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) buttons missing from tool bar.
The Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) buttons, and the zoom percentage text box disappeared from my toolbar, and I can't get them back. These controls are only accessible through the menus or the undocked floating panel. Re-docking the panel doesn't bring these controls with it. Right-click "Show Select & Zoom Tools" doesn't even list them.
81 votes -
Option to Hide Bookmarks Panel for all PDFs
Using: Acrobat Pro DC
Request: Ability to set a global setting that hides the bookmarks panel whenever a new PDF is opened, as opposed to having to navigate to the initial view settings for each file and then save it.
Reason: I open a lot of PDF files from emails, as I'm sure thousands of other people do, with no intention of saving it in that instance. Or files from the internet, again with no intention of saving it. This is to VIEW the file and find content relevant to the task in hand. Having the bookmarks panel occupy a…
79 votes -
Provide Option to Hide Welcome / Home /Startup Screen
My Acrobat Pro DC opens automatically when I boot my Mac.
Each time I have to close the annoying start-up screen where the last documents are displayed. I don’t need it! Please provide an option again to disable this feature as it where in past versions of Acrobat. Thank you.72 votesHi,
Thanks for Reaching out to us for your concerns.
We’ve Kept a note of your request and we’ll revisit this once we hear back from more users for this.Thanks
Ayush Jain -
AI Assistant (beta) button
Please give an option to EASILY get rid of the AI Assistant (beta) feature. Ever since installing the latest update, my Acrobat Pro runs SUPER slowly. I don't actually need AI to read documents. I do need Acrobat to be able to scroll without freezing constantly. Otherwise, what's the point of paying for Acrobat when there are tools that scroll perfectly fine for free?
The new UI is fine otherwise, but I had to disable it (View > Disable new Acrobat) just so I could scroll through documents without Acrobat freezing constantly since you added that AI Assistant feature.
71 votes -
The new version stinks!
I'd like to revert to the previous version of Acrobat - the new version is NOT better - more confusing!
70 votes -
New interface is terrible.
Someone, if not many people should be fired. Everything I use in my PAID SUBSCRIPTION is now more difficult
69 votes -
Very confuse about the new acrobat
I almost got a heart attack. I was working on a pdf, then I opened a new document and the Acrobat interface was completely different.
I use Acrobat every day and the new interface is too different from the old one. Tools are difficult to find because they have been placed somewhere else.
I definitely don't have time to learn how to use a new software. I didn't not appreciate to be face to this suddent change without any warning.
It would be better to give user the option to customize the left and right pannels. If it's already possible,…
63 votes -
New Acrobat Interface is awful
PLEASE....please.....don't ever disable or fail to support the "Disable New Acrobat" in View. The new interface is awful and there is no real support for it. Took me a half-hour to figure out "find and replace" and still didn't get it to work well. Stamps are in a bad place.
All ok as long as this isn't forced on us until a LARGE volume of help and online answers to questions builds up...like in 2026.
Carl Hartmann, Attorney
carl@carlhartmann.com61 votes -
This new interface sucks
Congratulations on complicating something that should be really straight forward. At least make everything editable, so I can keep the buttons I use more as shortcuts. The pages navigator and zoom being on the right side is just plain stupid.
59 votes
- Don't see your idea?