Paste in Place
A preset setting to paste copied elements in place would a valuable improvement.

We are delighted to share with you that Acrobat and Reader Desktop release for DC Continuous (20.012.20041) is Live now and this takes care of the Feature Request "Paste in place of Forms fields/Links/Annots"
For more Info refer here :
Please update your Acrobat (It should Auto update or you should do Help -> Check for updates) and let us know your Feedback.
Gaurav Sharma -
This feature has been planned for the next Acrobat release.
BJatVZLD commented
I had this same problem and read several user forums, with no real solution from Adobe.
I finally invented this workaround:
1) Create 4 additional tiny links that link to nothing and put them in each page corner.
2) Copy your hyperlink shapes with these 4 dead links
3) Paste onto another page and this will force them into perfect position. -
Roberta commented
Please, paste in place interactive links for all the pages in a document.
I have a document with 176 pages and the interactive link are all the same for each page, for example. -
Tom commented
... and for form elements.
G. Schutes commented
Please add paste-in-place for interactive links!
Brota commented
Correction to my post. paste-in-place is automatic and works if you copy and paste an element.
It does not work on interactive links though. This would be useful for say in my 200 page book that I can link the foooter to a website instead of making an individual link on each page. -
Brota commented
Dooh.. Now the paste in place function is gone again. Why the extra steps. just make a hotkey for it all ready.
Just like the features you have in InDesign and Illustrator. (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+v)
Anonymous commented
Yay! They fixed it. Now when you copy and paste in Acrobat DC, it aoutomatically pastes in place just using the paste command.
Thank You!! -
Anonymous commented
Yea, good luck with that. Why would they ever implement something so convenient for the user? Pfft
Look on the bright side - all the time we waste in moving objects around makes us feel like we're doing actual work.
Jonni commented
I concur. I've need to do this I don't know how many times. Especially for updating title block information on construcion drawing sets that had 100 pages. cntrl+c, cntrl+v, then valuable seconds being wasted on nudging and positioning.
Tom commented
It would help me a lot, to be able to copy and paste in place form fields and other elements between forms.
Brota commented
I was requested by email to go into more detail about the problem. So, here we go
"paste in place" .. Just like the features you have in InDesign and Illustrator. (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+v)Acrobat used to have it when I used version 9 and 10. Particularly valuable when doing bleed tabs that are different throughout the book to insure proper alignment on the page when printing.
Currently you have to adjust each copied instance by hand (because it only pastes into the center of your view) and the only way to get it close with the arrows. Imagine a book with 20 different bleed tabs and how you would make it happen proficiently. The only other way would be 20 watermarks, but that option is also gone unless you wanna buy a very expensive plugin. I'm actually considering re-installing my acrobat 9 because it has all these features. It's a superior program than the current DC in my opinion... But I paid for the latest and greatest. I wanna use DC.Another great feature would be the ability to "export and import doc info". The last company I worked for, we made a script for this and it's an incredible tool for making TOC, author indexes, page stamps and bookmarks.
Colin commented
When you draw a text box, add text callout, draw a rectangle, line etc... under drawing markups, the users would like to "copy" that specific markup from that location, and paste it to another page to the same location as the original. Currently when you paste, it paste at random on the sheet. Basically, copy and paste to the exact spot/location/orientation from one page to another.
Brota commented
I agree. It's integral as a production tool. Especially when you have multiple bleed tabs.
Allicit commented
Please reinstate this feature it's critical to the usefulness of the app.