5352 results found
totalt bondefangeri - har forsøgt at opsige medlemskab - fik fat i robot, der stillede om til medarbejder, som ikke kunne hjælpe - hun stillede om til 2. medarbejder, som valgte aldrig at svare men stoppede samtalen......
2 votes -
mauvais service
Difficile à rejoindre une personne dans qui s'exprime en français et encore plus difficile de procéder à la fermeture d'un compte.
1 vote -
bug in adding text
text adding function is useless, does not work, part of text just dissapears.
1 vote -
Adobe Acrobat Pro server problems!
I pay a monthly $14.99 to use Adobe Acrobat Pro subscription. I use the sign document feature daily with our Service Ticket agreements for my clients. However, the last few weeks I cannot get any work done in a timely manner. Adobe Acrobat Pro locks up while logging in, opening documents, sending templates to clients for signing, editing templates, etc., etc. It has become a minute by minute nightmare. I thought it might be my wifi or computer but no matter which computer I use, iPad, iPhone, wifi, etc. Adobe Acrobat Pro is problematic. I am ready to through it…
4 votesHello Craig,
Are you still facing the issue?
Adobe Sign Team
It deleted my important folder name cor pulmonale… worst app
I have took many scans n named that folder as cor pulmonale in adobe scanner but this scanner is totally waste because it deleted my folder automaticallyy .. worst app
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1 vote -
your sales strategy is misleading and unpleasant
uw informatie is bijzonder verwarrend. Ik had gebruik gemaakt van uw aanbieding van een pakket voor ca 89,- (ik weet bedrag niet meer exact) en kreeg toen een factuur voor 149.-.
Deze heb ik geannuleerd, waarop ik een bericht kreeg dat de facturering van 89,- werd geannuleerd. Is dat een sales strategie? Zo ja, dan werkt die niet. Het wekt vooral irritaties op.1 vote -
Adobe Acrobat Crashers with Fill & Sign, Online only Uses Black Color Only
Give option for different colors on Fill & Sign on Adobe Acrobat Online, all documents only showing in black and white
4 votesHi Julie,
Are you requesting different colors for data you're filling in the form fields? When you said "all documents only showing in black and white" do you mean the entire document is in black and white or just the form fields? Documents with different text colors should be rendered with the colors on Fill & Sign. Please provide a screenshot (and a test document if possible), if documents with text in colors are not displayed correctly.
Adobe Sign Team
******* Terrible software to use. it has caused me nothing but problems with just the smallest of task. I wish WISH I could go back in-time and stop myself from making the mistake of using this software and save myself the money and all the headaches. I have gotten from using this software. In my opinion get a different software program save yourself before its to late. Customer support won't be able to help more than telling the same thing you are tying.
1 voteHello Spencer,
Thank you for contacting us. Can you please apprise us with the following information to assist you better:
1) Share the screenshot and description of what exact issue you're facing in editing the PDF file.
2) Is it happening for all files or with any specific document only?
3) The device configuration that you’re using (Platform/Browser)
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Use Link text that equals software to be downloaded.
If I am paying for Adobe Acrobat Pro, the link should read, "Get Adobe Acrobat Pro desktop" not "Get Acrobat DC desktop". That implies, to me, Reader, not Pro.
1 vote -
Failed to Get All Signatures, Filled all Signature Blocks with One Signature Instead
I sent a document out for three signatures to three different email addresses. Adobe placed the first recipient's signature in all three signature blocks and told me "all recipients signed" the document. This does not work, people!!!!!
2 votesHi Michael,
Could you please provide more details about the document you sent so we can look into it? What's the name of the document and when was it sent and signed?
Adobe Sign Team
Can you please refund? as previous card said can not transfer the money and then I set up a new adobe account. I paid double
1 vote -
Disgusted by cancellation fee
The cancellation fee for discontinuing my subscription is obscene. I will not be using Adobe products in the future and will share my terrible experience with everyone I know - both professionally and personally. Shame on Adobe for being so vile.
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Hei, jeg ønsker å stoppe mitt abonnement. Får ikke loaded siden hvor man kan se plans.
Vennligst bekreft
Mogens Rasmussen
1 voteHi Mogens,
Thanks for reaching out. and apology with inconvenience caused. Can you please share from whee you are trying to access plans page?
Hi, your tools are very helpful. I'd like to buy the annual plan but i think it's expensive. Could you grant me a discount please? Thank you
1 vote -
Jeg har sagt opp mitt kundeforhold for lenge siden! Dere fortsetter å trekke penger, noe som jeg ser på som ulovlig. Jeg har hatt store problemer med Adobe, og vil ikke ha mer med dere å gjøre!
6 votes -
Fix your individual customer licensing and billing system
IDEA: Fix the licensing system so that customers dont receive inaccurate information, invalid charges and waste their time, all resulting in extreme disatisfaction
The horrible billing and licensing systems are the biggest problem with Adobe.
My credit card statement shows two monthly fees for a product that is inaccessible.
The product licensing screen states that i must subscribe to extend a trial and that i do not have a current subscription.
Spending the time and effort to get a refund for product that is unavailable to me and for which Adobe has told me i have no subscription is a…
1 vote -
botao abrir arquivo na area de trabalho
Boa tarde!
Tenho um consultoria de TI, e muitos clientes utilizam o Sharepoint da microsoft.
Seria interessante colocar um botão de abrir esse arquivo no aplicativo da área de trabalho, para que eu possa mexer em arquivos pdf no aplicativo do computador e não no navegador.1 voteHi Levi,
Thanks for your request. We have made a note of the same and shall try to incorporate it soon.
border display issue
It would be great if the issue with Adobe and borders could be resolved. Changing the magnification of a PDF'd Word file with table borders, changes the appearance of those borders, in terms of width. In the case of a graphic image border, it may appear to be missing on one or more sides, at various magnifications. Since one doesn't know how a client who is receiving the file will view it, this is a cause of difficulty. In PowerPoint, text boxes without borders will show up as bordered, especially if the file is printed in grey scale.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?