1736 results found
plug in icons broken in Acrobat 2023.003.20244
had to reinstall Acrobat DC and now a plug in that we use, all the icons in the menu are displayed as broken image icons. uninstalled both and reinstalled still no difference. Plug in is fine on 2023.003.20215 64bit, but on the 2023.003.20244 is where the issue is.
4 votes -
Always open in seperate window
When opening an existing .pdf, provide the option to "Always Open In New Window" instead of the existing one. We are filling information into one document, from a SERIES of other documents, and do not want them opening in the same window all the time. Also, it would GREATLY help, if the "All tools" sidebar would remain CLOSED during this.
3 votes -
Tabs should be clickable to the top of the window
When you have several tabs open and you want to click between them, it should be a seamless process. Naturally, you swipe your mouse up to click on the tab and most of your control goes into the left/right movement to get it in the right x coordinate with the tab, but when going up naturally most people don't stop to keep it in the middle and will let their mouse drift as far up to the top of the screen and let it stop on it's own. But as it stands in this new version, when your mouse is…
1 vote -
Additional Menu Bar Shortcuts
It would be nice to be able to add Menu functions (such as, Enable Scrolling) to customize the quick action toolbar. Otherwise this is a great feature.
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8 votes -
Back to the old surface
Wer hat sich denn bitte diese neue Oberfläche nach dem letzten Update ausgedacht?
Es ist so schlimm. Alles, was ich im Schlaf konnte, muss ich jetzt erstmal umständlich suchen.
Warum sind die Werkzeuge plötzlich auf der linken Seite?
Wie kann ich oben die Schnellleiste mit meinen Favoriten belegen?
Was für eine Verschlimmbesserung2 votes -
2 votes
Remember which Monitor
In a multi-monitor setup, Reader remembers which monitor to open on for a specific document, but all new documents keep opening on a non-primary monitor. Reader needs to provide a preference for which monitor to open all documents on by default
4 votes -
64 bits user interface is terrible
I've updated from 32 to 64 bits Adobe acrobat Pro and the user interface experience is terrible:
* I don't find anywhere the add textbox.
* I don't see the number of pages nor the present page number
* I cannot add a button to take snapshots and to take an snapshot I have to go to the text / tool search. I cannot find the option in the menus.I miss a lot the 32 bits user interface. I loose a lot of time looking for commands that where easy to find in the 32 bits version.
13 votes -
Request: Option to disable tabs
I would like to retain the ability to disable tabs, so that each file opens in a new window.
58 votes -
Pages Directory
Please put the pages thumbnails back on the left side..
6 votes -
Just don't.
6 votes -
save as... toolbar button
Add a "save as..." button to the user interface. For me and I think a lot of other people who like to save a downloaded and automagically opened pdf to their hard disk: just a simple Save As... button next to the Save button would be a great and very easy to implement feature. It's one click less as going to the menu each and every time for this basic function.
5 votes -
Customize New Layout
The new layout is not good for many of my routine tasks and is creating all kinds of trouble for me. I need to be able to hide toolbars in some cases and put toolbars at the top in others. This would allow me to maximize the size of the document on a vertical monitor when needed. Honestly, did you guys get any voice of the customer before making these changes?
20 votes -
new layout STINKS
Don't force your mass changes on the user/ person paying you. If I had pirated this I'd be safe and kept my settings.
12 votes -
When saving a file, there are two save as dialog boxes, the first Adobe one should be removed.
When I Save As a PDF, an Adobe themed box appears where I click the relevant recent folder, only for it to open the usual Windows Save As dialog box. We don't need both, it should just go straight to the Windows dialog. The Adobe one is superfluous.
4 votes -
Name of a File being opened in the Header instead of useless application name
Name of the file being opened in the Header instead of useless application name
3 votes -
Adobe Acrobat/Reader DC: What a miserable pathetic mess
Worst user interface in the world and ever.
Why the **** can't your filth software adhere to it when a PDF is supposed to open with the bookmarks pane?
Just go *** with this wretched muck, but read this before:
9 votes -
1 vote
15 votes
- Don't see your idea?