305 results found
Cannot complete form - signature hidden behind signature block
I am completing a school application form. It requires a signature. When I select/enter a signature it sits behind the white rectangle that is intended as the background for a hand written signature i.e. the signature is completely hidden and the form is unusable without being printed out (I have no printer).
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Firma en multiples páginas
Incluir la posibilidad de firmar todas las páginas a la vez
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Edit webform underlying PDF text
I have built a big Webform and need to edit the text in the underlying PDF.
The instructions say "Editing does not allow Changing the underlying file (eg: change the underlying file, page order, page orientation)".
Do I really have to edit the PDF and upload it again and rebuild all of the fields?Adobe can't expect people to recreate a webform every time they need to make a change to the PDF. Adobe could easily fix this by adding a text tool. I can't spend hours recreating over 50 fields just for a little text change.
How about a…
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Fill & Sign Feature Constantly Malfunctions
The fill & sign feature allows text to be added to the PDF but duplicates it in other areas when attempting to move the text box. The text also disappears completely requiring an entire reboot of the document. I spend more time opening and closing the document than entering text.
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1 vote
signature picture cannot be resized
the signature picture can not be moved or resized before saving the document. this is a new bug march 2023, reproduced on all my computers running windows 7,8, 10 32&64bit
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Bug: Get E-signatures dialog box not working
When in the "request e-signatures" dialog box, clicking either "Specify where to sign" or "more options" does nothing. Only the "cancel" button works.
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Hallo! I have an issued when digitally signing PDF documents. I use an external certificate (issued by Aruba) and, from a couple of weeks, it happens that, from time to time, the signed PDF reports have dimensions about 2MB bigger than the original PDF file. My impression is that happens when I also get the attached windows appearing. May you help me?
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Fill and sign functions are broken
After the last update (23.001.2006x), fill and sign doesn't allow editing the signature correctly. It cannot be resized, deleted, nor does any context menu work.
It is necessary to close the functionality and reopen it until it is unlocked, but it is very annoying.SO: Win 10
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Add Undo/Redo to Fill & Sign
There's no Undo or Redo in Fill & Sign, which is absolutely insane. I was filling out a very long form PDF and somehow a piece of text got deleted, and there is NO WAY TO UNDO THAT. Are you kidding?
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Incorrectly entered email appear in Request e-signature need to be deleted/cleared
Needs to be a way to clear incorrect email addresses from Request E-signatures. Some of my staff has typed in incorrect emails that keep popping up in autocomplete and will inadvertently use them which cause the document to go nowhere; no notification that it was incorrect. Need a way or tool to clear cache or individual incorrect email addresses.
Example. Correct email is John.smith@network.com
Staff type incorrectly at some point and sent request to Johnsmith@network.com. Since has entered correct email. When typing the correct and incorrect emails both pop up in autocomplete and staff sometimes inadvertently hit the incorrect…1 vote -
On requesting e-signatures there is a CC field, I would like all signer to be able to see who is in the CC field
On requesting e-signatures there is a CC field, I would like all signers to be able to see who is in the CC field, not just the person creating the form not just the person creating the form.
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Acrobat DC Fill & Sign fails on every document
No sure if it was the lasted update (2022.003.20314) that killed it, but it had to be recent because I use it all the time. When I try using Fill & Send to add text, it fails every time with an unknown error. I happens on every document from any source, even after I try to reprint them with Acrobat as the printer or optimize the PDF. I can still sign them, but I cannot add text.
Not sure if it is related, but the Arial font also seems to have been messed up around the same time. If I…
2 votes -
Ability to disable the completed agreement from being sent to signers in Adobe Sign
We sometimes need to handle documents with sensitive personal information (such as people's Social Security Numbers) in Adobe Sign. In that case, once the signatures are collected on the document, we need to transmit it to the final recipient in a more secure manner than by email, in order to comply with Massachusetts privacy law. In some cases the "mask" feature could be applied to the sensitive fields, but in others that wouldn't work because the document requester needs their SSN to appear on the completed document. For these cases, it would be useful to have the ability to disable…
5 votes -
User cannot input Chinese characters
I have attached a demo video for the bug. The test case starts with a setting: In adobe acrobat pro preference, I switched the application language from English to Simplified Chinese.
After that, in a random pdf file, under Fill&Sign tool, if I start to type in Chinese characters, the input isn't successful. Otherwise, if I type in some signs in Chinese, such as a comma or a question mark, input with Chinese afterwards works.
Basically I think the missing function here is that it cannot detect Chinese Font automatically to initiate a Fill&Sign input.
Details please check the video…2 votes -
Bug: Problem when adding signature image in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v22
We have installed Adobe Acrobat Pro DC on all our user machines.
For the people with a license we let them log in so they can use the Pro features.
For the people without a license we let them use this version as a Reader.This worked out great, but now we found out a bug.
With Adobe Acrobat Pro DC when adding a signature image I go to "E-Sign" > "Fill & Sign Yourself" > "Sign" > "Add Signature" > "Image" > Browse to the image signature (.PNG) > Click OK
And we receive a warning "You do not…
4 votes -
In Adobe Acrobat Pro I am unable to delete the signature under ESign > fill and sign yourself . I tried double clicking the minus button (-). 2022.003.20263 64 bit
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Signature Pages vs field
Since titles and duties change frequently, we spend a lot of time recrafting signatures and sending documents back for re-signing. It would be awesome to let other office that have to endorse or approve a document to insert their signature page into a signed (and locked) Document. (or an endorsement memo in front). Not change the core document. It would make staffing so much easier. (Or Lock by section vs the entire document).
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Email confirmation
As folks fill out a web form, the additional step of having to click a link in your email to finish the submission is a pain and I would prefer being to turn that off.
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crash on ds82.pdf form from the US gov
if you enter the fill & sign tool, check at least one 'yes' boxes, then scroll down Acrobat crashes with this message:
There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit.
It is repeatable. (If you scroll without checking the boxes there is a scroll discontinuity but no crash.)
Architecture: x86_64
Processor: Intel
Build: 23.1.10063.0
AGM: 7.0.3
CoolType: 8.1.1
JP2K: vote
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