69 results found
Get rid of prompts to use Generative AI
I am annoyed and distracted by the constant prompts to use Adobe's Generative AI feature. I do not want this feature. I have disabled the feature. But I still see a brightly colored button advertising it every time I open Adobe. What is worse, when I try to do a simple search, I get another prompt encouraging me to use Generative AI. I already pay $20/month for Acrobat. I should not have view ads on software I am paying for. But Adobe repeatedly forces me to view what is essentially an ad for an feature I do not want. It's…
97 votes -
AI Assistant
AI Insanity!
Provide a verifiable way to completely remove AI Assistant in Adobe Reader. I do not want an AI anything capturing any financial or other privacy related documents and processing them in the cloud, especially in Beta form. Most users will not read to the point of understanding the cloud aspect of this. This is a ridiculous and even dangerous function to offer, promote and even present to the general user.
86 votes -
AI Assistant
Get that damned AI Assistant button OFF the top of my screen! It keeps popping up right over top of the scroll bar, making it impossible to quickly advance through the first page of a document -- right when all the introductory material I want to skim past is there. Why can't this thing be removed or disabled? The last thing I need is a summary made by a bot with the intelligence of your average high-schooler. This is the most annoying software add-on since "Clippy".
69 votes -
Broadly disable Generative AI as admin
Allow admins to disable Generative AI from the admin portal. It is absolutely ridiculous to release anything related to LLM without an option to disable it across users.
44 votes -
AI assistant
Hi. Can the pelicans that manage the programming department at Adobe, please let the programmers stop concentrating on useless rubbish like the 'AI assistant' (I don't need assistance reading PDFs in your mediocre program and I definitely don't need help from 'AI') and instead do some work on things like making the 'convert to XLS' feature actually work, rather than crashing the program every time I try to use it.
40 votes -
turn off AI prompt/toolbar/pop-up/tip
Give an option to remove AI from toolbar and/or to turn off pop-up/tip to users instead of having to rely on admin. It's distracting. At least put an x so we can dismiss the pop-up.
Alternatively, change the color so it isn't so distracting that it causes productivity loss.
I'm at a loss why Adobe would roll that out as a non-optional visual trespass.
38 votes -
ai assistant
PLEASE stop making this thing pop up at me. I do not want it. Every time I open a document it bugs me to "summarize" it or give me info on it, but the info it gives is incorrect, wrong, and purely made up. It's a stupid, useless tool built on stolen data. Stop shoving it down my throat. I have no need for a inaccurate summary of anything!! What benefit is that?
29 votes -
Get rid of the AI (artificial intelligence) pop-ups!!!
This whole feature is a distraction. We cannot be so busy that we must now have artificial intelligence helping us with our jobs. The pop-up is always in the way; I can't turn it off no matter what I've tried from the recommendations, including reverting back to the "old" Adobe; the prior version of Acrobat is so old and has been out of use so long, now I'm trying to retrain where to find the simplest tools. I was happily used to using the newer version, until this AI piece was added in. Please get this out of here; it…
24 votes -
Make it possible to hide and remove Generative AI button.
Despite having disabled generative AI in the preferences, it is still not possible to remove or hide the generative AI button. It does not help that I am trying to use Acrobat for academic purposes, for which generative AI is against academic integrity.
22 votes -
I just updated Adobe Pro and am annoyed to see that “AI Assistant” has been added to the “tools.’ I cannot use AI in my publications.
Create an update option without AI Assistant. Don’t make us remove it: many of us don’t trust having it on there in the first place.
21 votes -
AI Assistant
Let us disable this. Make it stop popping up all the time. I do not want this.
16 votes -
If we uncheck "Enable AI," actually disable it for us.
I very intentionally do not have "Enable generative AI features in Acrobat" checked in my Preferences. For security reasons, I can't use AI in my work, nor do I want to. This appears to be the only place I can indicate my choice not to use Adobe's AI features.
However, I still have:
1) a pop-up pushing AI every time I open Adobe;
2) a bright flashy button at the top of my screen pushing AI;
3) now when I highlight a word the popup with editing tools ALSO includes an "ask AI assistant" option.This is incredibly distracting when…
14 votes -
Remove AI
I understand your developers are probably incredibly excited about new and exciting generative AI, but they need to calm down - just adding it for the sake sexying up your software is utterly pointless. It adds no value. The descriptions of "person sitting in a white dress" (when it's quite obviously that) is distracting and quite creepy. Restraint goes quite far. Forcing features on us that we didn't need because you decided in some meeting that something new was needed to avoid boredom isn't appreciated.
10 votes -
Stop with the intrusive AI prompts and popups
If I want to use these features (and I don't) I'll seek them out. Having to click through distracting dialogue boxes every time I open Acrobat is grating. Please stop using your product to advertise your product.
10 votes -
Get rid of the ******* AI pop ups - I don't want AI, I don't need it,
******** with these pop ups. They are little better than a virus that I need to keep clicking away
9 votes -
Disable Your AI
Your AI is not allowing me to do my job as efficiently as possible. The constant pop-ups are frustrating and interrupt my work. I do not need everything I am looking at to be summarized. I do not need everything I am looking at to be rewritten. I do not need your AI assistance to interrupt me when I am working. Allow people to disable this. It is so frustrating and so many other people are also frustrated by it. Please start listening to your customers.
8 votes -
Disable Generative AI. Aside from the disruptive UX/UI aspect of how Gen AI is being pushed onto users, there is also the fact that a number of your users (myself included) are literally not allowed to use Gen AI in our work. Furthermore, surely Adobe is aware that there are a number of use cases where PDFs very often represent the most sensitive, private and/or confidential documents that people use and work with. Think court documents, legal and contractual agreements, government documents. As a result the last thing users in these contexts want is the sense that Adobe is foisting…
7 votes -
Turn off Firefly
We don't want AI in use at our company. We should be able to turn it off for all users and not block domains as suggested by you support team.
4 votes -
AI pop-up can not be closed
As if it wasn't already rally annoying constantly having the AI pop up popping up, but the pop up today could not be closed, agreed or cancelled. The only way I could get rid of it was to force a shut down of my PC which meant I lost my place in the 5 open documents, each of between 1000 and 3000 pages.
3 votes -
Stop jamming ****** AI down our throats - how about a search function that works
The burden you put on the application to deliver terrible AI features kills productivity. Not only do we want to remove the almost useless 'feature' completely, we'd like the application not to grind to a halt during a simple search while the AntiIntelligence wastes energy and time.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?